December: Closing the season (or not?)

In December, B50 volunteers from Reconstruction direction continued to go to Moshchun for the traditional clearing of the debris.

Unfortunately, the weather made its own adjustments, and there were fewer trips, working days became shorter, but the desire to help people did not disappear.


Our incredible volunteers from the “Production” direction tirelessly made trench candles. Just estimate the scale: 945 candles for the last filling and 15,325 pieces for the entire time of work! 

Probably, there is no direction left where our activists would not send their candles: Bakhmut, Kramatorsk, Kharkiv, Kherson, Zaporizhzhia, Odesa, the border with Belarus…

Trench candles B50
Trench candles B50

Also, we can’t help but share our joy – B50 received the first official award!

On December 6, celebrations were held in Bucha on the occasion of the Day of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and Volunteer Day. The deputy mayor of Bucha, Serhii Shepetko, presented honorary awards. Activists of the B50 Volunteers Charitable Foundation received gratitude from the Mayor for volunteering, patriotism, and helping the people of the Buchansk city territorial сommunity.

We are proud of this award! However, we are much more proud of our team: every volunteer who finds the strength, time and inspiration to help people who suffered from russia’s invasion. We are proud of everyone who is erasing the terrible consequences of war from our cities and villages with every brick and bucket. Together we are strong and unbreakable.


And, of course, in December, B50 activists celebrated their professional holiday – Volunteer Day (many of them for the first time). Just a year ago, each of us had our work, our joys, our problems, our life. The full-scale invasion has completely changed us, it’s given us the chance to meet incredible people and join forces to help those in need.

So B50 volunteers gathered to celebrate their day, chat, joke and laugh. In a warm, friendly atmosphere, we remembered how everyone joined the team, what was the first day of clearing the debris like, shared impressions, interesting moments, and made plans for the future. We believe that everything is just beginning.