What is the P.AGE?
This is a project to restore the potential of children living in the de-occupied territories of Ukraine.
We provide libraries of schools and communities with modern Ukrainian-language books that stimulate personal development, help to make learning more interesting and choose a future profession.
What is the project’s mission?
During the occupation and shelling, many libraries lost a significant number of books. Books in the Ukrainian language were destroyed and burned deliberately, all in an effort to destroy our culture and language. One of our goals is also to restore the funds and return books in Ukrainian language to the shelves of children’s libraries.
The P.AGE provides children with affordable tools for self-discovery and self-realization, for exploring themselves, others, the country, the planet and the universe.
The project supports the leadership potential of children of war, transforms their consciousness and expands their horizons of possibilities.

What is our plan?
B50 will donate 50 books each to selected school or public libraries in the regions that have been de-occupied or affected by war.
The P.AGE is being implemented
in 3 stages:
Regional stage
📚 250 books
🤝 5 libraries
📍 settlements in Chernihiv, Sumy, Kharkiv, Mykolaiv, and Donetsk regions
National stage
📚 2 500 books
🤝 50 libraries
📍 settlements in the south, east and north
of Ukraine

What publications do we provide?
#growing up
01. Library of the Bohdanivka Lyceum, Kyiv region
Pilot stage of the P.AGE took place in the library of the lyceum in the village of Bohdanivka, whose premises were completely destroyed by Russians during the occupation of Kyiv region. However, in the fall of 2022, the institution returned to work as an educational center. The B50 team had previously helped to decorate a children’s bomb shelter here and saw the extent of the destruction with their own eyes.

Big Ideas For Young Thinkers. 20 Questions about Life and the Universe
This book teaches children to train their busy brains and think outside the box. Get lost for hours exploring puzzling questions that have stumped thinkers for years. More importantly, discover your truth by reading about a diverse range of thinkers. For example, try to recall your earliest memory. Can you remember a lot or a little? Do memories make us who we are? Or do we pick and choose them to suit who we are? This is a multi-layered book to be explored again and again, revealing new opinions on every read.

Five Spikelets. Holodomor. The Stories of How Ukrainians Were Vanishing
These stories tell the readers how Ukrainians were disappearing, how they were losing everything they had — and how they survived. The children in this book go about their children’s lives, experiencing and perceiving the events around them just like any children should. They tell stories about Holodomor to other children like them. It is a book full of light about some of the darkest days in the Ukrainian history. This book speaks in the voices of children from the past who reveal the truth.

Travelbook. Independent
In the 31st year of its independence, Ukraine’s future under threat to be stolen as well. Nevertheless, Ukrainians made their choice a long time ago and have been forced to prove it with blood, defending each square metre of our land. We invite you on an amazing journey through our years of independence. its galaxies of talent, and the hard and winding path that made us unique and made us the heroes of the free world.

Cool History of Ukraine. From Dinosaurs Till Now
Is history boring and unclear? The heroes of this book also thought so at first. But just one interesting find can push you to get to know the story more closely – and discover that it can be exciting, vivid and so close to each of them. Four friends set out to investigate our history, to find out the whole truth: which dinosaurs lived on our lands, who fought for the independence we have now, why Ukrainians are the way they are.

Get Over Yourself. For Teenagers Who Want to Learn to Take Control of Their Lives
We wrote a book that we would like to read ourselves. I know what it’s like — be depressed and suffer from eating disorders. The level of mental illness among young people continues to grow, and we want to do something about it.

Kidstory: 50 Children and Young People Who Shook Up the World
This is a collection of biographical stories about talented teenagers who inspire their peers by their example. These stories draw attention to hot social topics such as disability, discrimination or war, but at the same time give a lot of faith in yourself, people and change for the better.

They Changed the World. Outstanding Women of Ukraine
This book is about the most famous women of ancient and modern Ukraine. Personal stories of wise rulers, patrons and brilliant artists – indomitable, talented, special women with their strength of spirit, whose success inspires even today.

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens
Being a teenager is both wonderful and challenging. Book applies the timeless principles of the 7 Habits to teens and the tough issues and life-changing decisions they face. In an entertaining style, provides a step-by-step guide to help teens improve self-image, build friendships, resist peer pressure, achieve their goals, get along with their parents, and much more.

Think for yourself. The Ultimate Guide to Critical Thinking in an Age of Information Overload
This book helps in developing and training critical thinking skills. It encourages you to ask, learn, explore, and not just take anything on faith. To achieve the goal, you only need to practice a little with the new “armor”. And training: useful information, tests for self-discovery, exercises to detect deception and quotes for inspiration — you can find it here.

The Boys’ Guide to Growing Up
This book — your guide on the journey of growing up. It simply and clearly explains how your body is arranged and what changes await it in the next few years. And here there are many useful tips and hints that will help you cope with everything. Learn more about yourself — and start a new stage of life boldly and confidently!

Big Children’s Encyclopedia
Where did I come from? Why don’t ships sink? When did dinosaurs live on Earth? What are stars made of? Why are they happening? earthquakes? Who is Joan of Arc? In this book, you will not only find answers to all your questions, but also learn about various amazing facts that will be interesting even for adults.

What Is Everyone Talking About? Fake News
Fake news is one of the problems of the modern world. They incite enmity in communities, and sometimes they can split society. The popularity of social networks contributes to their instant spread, but it is far from a modern invention. From this illustrated color edition, the reader will not only learn to distinguish that the news is true, but also learn interesting facts about the evolution of speech, the development of writing, the meaning of myths, the invention of printing, and the development of mass media.

Me and the Constitution
Do you know what the Constitution of Ukraine is? And how can our whole life and the life of the whole country fit into one book? After all, the Constitution — it is not just a set of rules about the state, about elections, rights and responsibilities of society and every citizen. It is the highest law that establishes and defines the state system, controls power, reminds of respect and which, like a compass, allows you to feel safe and fulfill all your dreams.

Ours. Engineering History of Ukraine
Ours are fifty stories about Ukrainian engineers and their inventions. Ukrainians by origin or beliefs. And it’s also an opportunity to try yourself as an engineer. The stories are supplemented with tasks that allow you to understand what led the engineer to the invention, or to reproduce a fragment of it.

The Girls’ Guide to Growing Up
This book — your guide on the journey of growing up. It simply and clearly explains how your body is arranged and what changes await it in the next few years. And here there are many useful tips and hints that will help you cope with everything. Learn more about yourself — and start a new stage of life boldly and confidently!

Finance for beginners
How to teach children financial literacy? Explain what money is, how it works, how to earn and spend it, how to save and donate, what taxes are and how the government manages money? This illustrated guide will reveal a lot of useful information to young readers and parents, which will help them gain useful knowledge and develop the skill of proper handling of money.

Engineered!: Engineering Design at Work
The book will introduce young readers to the main stages of engineering design and, using the example of nine stories from real life, will prove how ingenious engineers and their inventions can be. Find out step-by-step how people who can solve any problem create a super-fast bike, eliminate traffic jams and even create artificial skin.

Be Happy toBe Yourself
Adolescence — this is the perfect time to solve the most important and most pleasant task in your life — to be happy. Happiness is like a journey that can be enjoyed every moment, here and now, not just when or if you get there. And this book — a convenient and very funny guide, a kind of mixture of useful tips and effective tasks. Choose the ones that interest you, repeat what works best, but don’t forget to try everything!

Drawing is Easy
Experience is not required to experiment with paints and create real masterpieces! Creative and original techniques from a professional artist will inspire everyone who wants to master various painting techniques or just have fun with paints.

Key Moments in Art
Art lovers can list history’s most important art objects, but what many don’t know are the dramatic, funny, and sometimes bizarre stories behind these most famous works. Spanning the last 500 years of art history, this book revisits fifty momentous events that changed the course of art.

Kay’s Anatomy
Do you ever think about your body and how it all works? Like really properly think about it? The human body is extraordinary and fascinating and, well… pretty weird. Yours is weird, mine is weird, your maths teacher’s is even weirder. This book is going to tell you what’s actually going on in there, and answer the really important questions, like: Are bogies safe to eat? How much of your life will you spend on the toilet?

Think and Invent
This book offers unusual experiments to awaken the inner inventor in each of us. Also, your child will learn from it many interesting real-life stories that will encourage brilliant thoughts.
Try offering your children this game of inventing or improving something!

These amazing Ukrainians
an exciting space journey into the world of Ukraine and the people who inhabit it. Cosmic, because Ukraine — this is a whole universe where the unfailing law of gravitation of Ukrainians to the land, where the sun of freedom shines, but does not always warm, operates.

Old Enough to Save the Planet
How can a child save the planet? For example, after reading this book. Here are stories about twelve eco-activist schoolchildren from around the world who motivate not only children, but also adults. The heroes of the book are conscious, caring, imaginative, so they do everything possible to preserve the environment. Someone protects rhinos in Africa, someone cleans the coast in Australia, and someone composts garbage in Ukraine.

100 Things to Know about Space
This book provides information about the history of space exploration, the location of the Earth in the universe, the formation of the solar system, the exploration of the planets by robots, etc. Operating with numbers, using clear examples, “100 facts about space” explains what gravity is, talks about galaxy mergers, magnetic storms and other phenomena.

The Cartoon Guide to Chemistry
If you have ever suspected that “heavy water” is the title of a bootleg Pink Floyd album, believed that surface tension is an anxiety disorder, or imagined that a noble gas is the result of a heavy meal at Buckingham Palace, then you need The Cartoon Guide to Chemistry to set you on the road to chemical literacy.

Science in 30 seconds. Theories
We usually associate science with something interesting and unfathomable. However, it can be conquered. In this book, you will learn about the basic questions about the origin of the structure of the universe, the laws and physical phenomena that support its existence.

Science in 30 seconds. Economy
Knowing the basics of economics is useful and for those people who do not work in this field. After all, we deal with it every day in our everyday life. Donald Marron has compiled the most important knowledge, dates and concepts necessary to understand economic patterns. One lesson takes only 30 seconds, and interesting illustrations clearly explain the studied material.

501 facts you need to know about … geography
In this book, not at all like a school textbook, you will find 501 important facts about the Earth. In particular, interesting information about the continents, oceans and atmosphere and the results of research into unusual natural phenomena and ecocatastrophes. The book will interest everyone who likes to learn about the world.

The Cartoon Guide to Biology
Did you faint when your middle school science teacher asked you to dissect a frog? Do you think DNA stands for “Don’t Know the Answer”? Do you still cling to the belief that osmosis was the name of Ozzy Osbourne’s last tour? If you said yes to any of these questions—or even if you didn’t—then you need The Cartoon Guide to Biology

Mad for Ads: How Advertising Gets (and Stays) in Our Heads
For children growing up in an advertising-saturated world, here’s an eye-opening explanation of what advertising is, how it works and why that matters. It’s a savvy look at the business of advertising that teaches children to pay better attention to ads and be more discerning about the messages they find.

Talent: Instructions for Use
A book tells teenagers and their parents about various creative professions and how to feel, develop and realize their talent. 13 creative industries, real stories of recognized Ukrainian professionals, interesting facts about professions and practical tasks — all this will help you appreciate the creative sphere in a new way and feel the superpower of your own talent.

What is Not Taught in School. Answers to the Most Important Questions in Infographics
All of us want our children to grow up to be smart, prudent, successful, sensitive, of course happy and, in addition, to have good health. But if the study of natural sciences is more or less given attention in school, then what about other wishes?A collection of infographics for children “What is not taught in school” will help you find answers to the most important questions.

Respect. A Girl’s Guide to Getting Respect & Dealing When Your Line Is Crossed
Every girl has the right to respect and wants to be valued as a person, to hear her opinion and not to force her to do something that is uncomfortable. And for this, first of all, you need to learn to love and respect yourself. This book — assistant for self-confidence: in your body, role in relationships, communication with peers and elders. A person who learns to value himself will be able to easily recognize a manipulator, will not tolerate discrimination and will confidently defend his rights.

Why Parents Annoy You and How to Help It
Do you constantly fight with your parents over little things? Their unbearable dictation is annoying: how should you live, what to do, who to be friends with, how to communicate and even how to feel? Finally, learn how to understand what is going on in your parents’ head and what is going on in yours. Because to understand is to understand, to prevent conflicts and quarrels that add worries to your life.

I Am Choosing a Profession. Who to Become. STEP BY STEP Teenager’s Guide
How to find the right activity for you? This guide will help you figure it out! The main goal of the book is to help you decide on your dream profession. How? With the help of self-discovery questionnaires, a review of career market trends, and advice from experts and personal development coaches.

I Am Choosing a Hobby. STEP BY STEP Teenager’s Guide
This guidebook will convince readers that hobbies are useful and essential for a happy and active life. It contains interesting information about popular hobbies (when a particular hobby appeared, why it became widespread, what benefits it can bring, etc.).

A Million-Dollar Dream. Go to the World of Money and Business
Explain money and business to the most demanding and restless audience – teenagers. Serhiy Vozhzhov, an entrepreneur and business coach, knows and understands this audience because he has been teaching financial literacy to teenagers for many years.

The Art of the Possible. A Guide to Politics for Every Day
If someone told you that YOU are a politician? Do not believe? In vain “The Art of the Possible” will show why politics is vital to you and why you are important to it. Politics isn’t just about adults making up laws. It is much more. This is how we all live and interact: people, communities, states. How we choose and decide. How we manage ourselves, how we treat our neighbors. Politics is influenced by absolutely everyone.

Shapes in Math, Science and Nature: Squares, Triangles and Circles
This book will tell the most interesting facts about such simple and at the same time important figures: square, triangle and circle. It will teach you how to measure angles and calculate area, draw perfectly proportional figures without tools and make universal constructors from them.

Private Needs Explained to Kids. Let’s TalkIt Out with Parents and Without
The book tells some important things about body parts that we usually cover with underwear. We are used to cover them not because those parts are ugly or shameful, but because we treat those areas with respect and consideration. Those private parts are named the reproductive organs or genitals. These parts require special care and that`s what we are going to discuss. This book focuses on your body, your health and your safety.

How to Become Somebody
How to choose the best profession? What to do when you don’t know what you want to do? How to discover your talents?.. This book will tell you how to follow your dreams. Will introduce you to the most interesting professions and stories of famous people who proved: everything will definitely work out, the main thing is to strive for it! Read, try and build your future!

The City Has Me!
The first illustrated edition for children, which reveals the secrets of all processes in the city, tells about how residents manage their city, what the city budget is and how it is filled, why heat should be saved, how not to drown in garbage and why it should be sorted, all about types of transport and when and why it is better to walk on foot.

Every Lump of Earth
“Why is dad sleeping in the hospital for so long? Why is mom crying? Where is our home and why did we have to leave with friends? This touching and deep book is a way to talk with the smallest about the war in modern Ukraine, its personal and family dimensions, and about common values. About the fact that it is always better to laugh, and when you are sad, you can cry. About how important it is to protect every piece of our land and each other.”

Step Into Your Power
In this friendly guide, learn how to look after yourself, ‘organise, don’t agonise’, make good choices, get out of ruts, branch out, shake up your mindset and ask for help. How do you overcome a setback? How do you cope when you or a family member gets sick? How do you change your mindset when you can’t change your situation? There’s self-care advice and activities on every page you can take and make your very own.

Ukrainians in the World: 33 True Stories
This book tells the story of prominent Ukrainians who are known and honored around the world. But often the world community is not even aware of their origins. Our heroes lived and became famous in other countries. Among them are military men, politicians, travelers, scientists, inventors, artists, writers, movie stars, musicians, astronauts, and the wives of kings and sultans.

Outstanding People. Art and Literature
Biographies and examples of the most famous works, talks about the merits of more than a hundred outstanding cultural figures whose names have gone down in history. The pages are decorated with bright illustrations that reflect the era in which these artists lived and worked. The first showings of films, the printing of books on the Gutenberg press and fashion demonstrations by Coco Chanel are visualized here. And various artistic directions are presented.

Travelbook. Ukraine
These are 1,200 unique facts about Ukraine and Ukrainians. This book is created from discoveries. With it, you will be able to look at Ukraine in a new way. This is a narrative map in the “edutainment” format, on which the most interesting historical, geographical and statistical facts about the country are indicated in the author’s illustrations. Experts from various fields were involved in the creation of the book, and they created 30 maps of Ukrainian cities and regions.

Atlas Obscura: An Explorer’s Guide to the World’s Hidden Wonders
Atlas Obscura revels in the weird, the unexpected, the overlooked, the hidden, and the mysterious. Every page expands our sense of how strange and marvelous the world really is. And with its compelling descriptions, hundreds of photographs, surprising charts, maps for every region of the world, it is a book you can open anywhere

Is it all because of the food?! Life Hacks for Proper Nutrition for Teenagers
Each chapter of the book – a convenient and understandable life hack, which is the right way to solve this or that problem. The recommendations in the publication are extremely accessible, so every teenager will be able to follow them without any worries. An effective and simple menu option was a wonderful bonus to the book. Bright illustrations, irreplaceable tables and diagrams will make the perception of information fun and interesting.
About the Library
The village of Bohdanivka, Brovary district, was severely affected by the russian occupation, which lasted less than a month but was extremely brutal. In particular, the russians blew up the lyceum, which used to be attended by 450 children. The premises have not been restored, so the educational process here is organized in different ways: middle and high school students study at a school in a neighboring village, and a former house of culture has been converted into a digital educational center for primary school students. A new library for children is also being set up there, as it was previously located in the lyceum.
Liudmyla Deiko, the principal of Bohdanivka Lyceum, noted that local children love to read, and the school has been working on updating its library collection for the past year. Many children were interested in non-curricular books, for example, looking for information on emotional intelligence, soft skills, and career guidance literature. So, thanks to P.AGE, the children’s dream came true: they can read not only fiction according to the program, but also look for themselves through the books provided.

The participants of this stage are libraries from the frontline regions.
250 educational books donated to 5 libraries in Chernihiv, Sumy, Kharkiv, Mykolaiv and Donetsk regions.
The B50 community raised funds to provide 5 libraries with new high-quality children’s developmental literature.

Big Ideas For Young Thinkers. 20 Questions about Life and the Universe
This book teaches children to train their busy brains and think outside the box. Get lost for hours exploring puzzling questions that have stumped thinkers for years. More importantly, discover your truth by reading about a diverse range of thinkers. For example, try to recall your earliest memory. Can you remember a lot or a little? Do memories make us who we are? Or do we pick and choose them to suit who we are? This is a multi-layered book to be explored again and again, revealing new opinions on every read.

Five Spikelets. Holodomor. The Stories of How Ukrainians Were Vanishing
These stories tell the readers how Ukrainians were disappearing, how they were losing everything they had — and how they survived. The children in this book go about their children’s lives, experiencing and perceiving the events around them just like any children should. They tell stories about Holodomor to other children like them. It is a book full of light about some of the darkest days in the Ukrainian history. This book speaks in the voices of children from the past who reveal the truth.

Travelbook. Independent
In the 31st year of its independence, Ukraine’s future under threat to be stolen as well. Nevertheless, Ukrainians made their choice a long time ago and have been forced to prove it with blood, defending each square metre of our land. We invite you on an amazing journey through our years of independence. its galaxies of talent, and the hard and winding path that made us unique and made us the heroes of the free world.

Cool History of Ukraine. From Dinosaurs Till Now
Is history boring and unclear? The heroes of this book also thought so at first. But just one interesting find can push you to get to know the story more closely – and discover that it can be exciting, vivid and so close to each of them. Four friends set out to investigate our history, to find out the whole truth: which dinosaurs lived on our lands, who fought for the independence we have now, why Ukrainians are the way they are.

Get Over Yourself. For Teenagers Who Want to Learn to Take Control of Their Lives
We wrote a book that we would like to read ourselves. I know what it’s like — be depressed and suffer from eating disorders. The level of mental illness among young people continues to grow, and we want to do something about it.

Kidstory: 50 Children and Young People Who Shook Up the World
This is a collection of biographical stories about talented teenagers who inspire their peers by their example. These stories draw attention to hot social topics such as disability, discrimination or war, but at the same time give a lot of faith in yourself, people and change for the better.

They Changed the World. Outstanding Women of Ukraine
This book is about the most famous women of ancient and modern Ukraine. Personal stories of wise rulers, patrons and brilliant artists – indomitable, talented, special women with their strength of spirit, whose success inspires even today.

STEM Quest: Fantastic Forces and Incredible Machines Paperback
You’ll find tons of super-fun, hands-on activities that will captivate all the inquisitive girls and boys around. Kids can build their own race car, solve the mystery of how the Egyptians built the pyramids, create an ice-cube igloo, and lots of other feats of engineering.

Think for yourself. The Ultimate Guide to Critical Thinking in an Age of Information Overload
This book helps in developing and training critical thinking skills. It encourages you to ask, learn, explore, and not just take anything on faith. To achieve the goal, you only need to practice a little with the new “armor”. And training: useful information, tests for self-discovery, exercises to detect deception and quotes for inspiration — you can find it here.

The Boys’ Guide to Growing Up
This book — your guide on the journey of growing up. It simply and clearly explains how your body is arranged and what changes await it in the next few years. And here there are many useful tips and hints that will help you cope with everything. Learn more about yourself — and start a new stage of life boldly and confidently!

The Great Book “Why?”
In this encyclopedia, young readers will find answers to many of their questions about the mysteries of nature and ancient civilizations, historical events and famous figures, flora and fauna, and the place of humans in the universe and on Earth. The publication is lavishly illustrated and will become a desk book for schoolchildren.

What Is Everyone Talking About? Fake News
Fake news is one of the problems of the modern world. They incite enmity in communities, and sometimes they can split society. The popularity of social networks contributes to their instant spread, but it is far from a modern invention. From this illustrated color edition, the reader will not only learn to distinguish that the news is true, but also learn interesting facts about the evolution of speech, the development of writing, the meaning of myths, the invention of printing, and the development of mass media.

About Rights and Responsibilities: Your Citizenship Guide
The book “About rights and responsibilities: your guide to citizenship”; acquaints readers with the main “rules” that are dictated to us by accepting Ukrainian citizenship. What are the most important agreements each of us made with Ukraine? How is our country organized, and who runs it? Why is it important to take care of other people’s rights and how to protect yourself from encroachment on your own?

Ours. Engineering History of Ukraine
Ours are fifty stories about Ukrainian engineers and their inventions. Ukrainians by origin or beliefs. And it’s also an opportunity to try yourself as an engineer. The stories are supplemented with tasks that allow you to understand what led the engineer to the invention, or to reproduce a fragment of it.

The Girls’ Guide to Growing Up
This book — your guide on the journey of growing up. It simply and clearly explains how your body is arranged and what changes await it in the next few years. And here there are many useful tips and hints that will help you cope with everything. Learn more about yourself — and start a new stage of life boldly and confidently!

Finance for Beginners
How to teach children financial literacy? Explain what money is, how it works, how to earn and spend it, how to save and donate, what taxes are and how the government manages money? This illustrated guide will reveal a lot of useful information to young readers and parents, which will help them gain useful knowledge and develop the skill of proper handling of money.

Engineered!: Engineering Design at Work
The book will introduce young readers to the main stages of engineering design and, using the example of nine stories from real life, will prove how ingenious engineers and their inventions can be. Find out step-by-step how people who can solve any problem create a super-fast bike, eliminate traffic jams and even create artificial skin.

Politics for Beginners
Changes in our country cause a lot of questions in the little ones. “Politics for Beginners” will become a real information guide that will help parents explain to their child about such difficult things as: human rights, freedom of speech, feminism, elections and voting. In addition to explanations and interesting dialogues in the book, “Politics for Beginners” has a separate dictionary with the most common definitions. The book will be useful not only for children, but also for adults

Drawing is Easy
Experience is not required to experiment with paints and create real masterpieces! Creative and original techniques from a professional artist will inspire everyone who wants to master various painting techniques or just have fun with paints.

Key Moments in Art
Art lovers can list history’s most important art objects, but what many don’t know are the dramatic, funny, and sometimes bizarre stories behind these most famous works. Spanning the last 500 years of art history, this book revisits fifty momentous events that changed the course of art.

Kay’s Anatomy
Do you ever think about your body and how it all works? Like really properly think about it? The human body is extraordinary and fascinating and, well… pretty weird. Yours is weird, mine is weird, your maths teacher’s is even weirder. This book is going to tell you what’s actually going on in there, and answer the really important questions, like: Are bogies safe to eat? How much of your life will you spend on the toilet?

Think and Invent
This book offers unusual experiments to awaken the inner inventor in each of us. Also, your child will learn from it many interesting real-life stories that will encourage brilliant thoughts.
Try offering your children this game of inventing or improving something!

These Amazing Ukrainians
an exciting space journey into the world of Ukraine and the people who inhabit it. Cosmic, because Ukraine — this is a whole universe where the unfailing law of gravitation of Ukrainians to the land, where the sun of freedom shines, but does not always warm, operates.

Old Enough to Save the Planet
How can a child save the planet? For example, after reading this book. Here are stories about twelve eco-activist schoolchildren from around the world who motivate not only children, but also adults. The heroes of the book are conscious, caring, imaginative, so they do everything possible to preserve the environment. Someone protects rhinos in Africa, someone cleans the coast in Australia, and someone composts garbage in Ukraine.

100 Things to Know about Space
This book provides information about the history of space exploration, the location of the Earth in the universe, the formation of the solar system, the exploration of the planets by robots, etc. Operating with numbers, using clear examples, “100 facts about space” explains what gravity is, talks about galaxy mergers, magnetic storms and other phenomena.

The Cartoon Guide to Chemistry
If you have ever suspected that “heavy water” is the title of a bootleg Pink Floyd album, believed that surface tension is an anxiety disorder, or imagined that a noble gas is the result of a heavy meal at Buckingham Palace, then you need The Cartoon Guide to Chemistry to set you on the road to chemical literacy.

Important Philosophical Questions for 7-11 Years Old Children
This is a book that teaches children to think critically and reflect on complex topics. Children often ask philosophical questions that even adults cannot find answers to, so French philosophers will help them get closer to their own understanding of certain problems.

100 Things To Know About Numbers
The book contains 100 fascinating facts about numbers, computers, programming and how they are used and improved. All information is accompanied by bright illustrations. The edition has a dictionary with words used in the book, as well as an index. From the book, you will be able to learn about the following things: the human brain has a separate area that is responsible for recognizing numbers; computers mix three colors in more than 16 million combinations; mostly the Internet is underwater and many more amazing facts.

501 Facts You Need to Know About … Geography
In this book, not at all like a school textbook, you will find 501 important facts about the Earth. In particular, interesting information about the continents, oceans and atmosphere and the results of research into unusual natural phenomena and ecocatastrophes. The book will interest everyone who likes to learn about the world.

The Cartoon Guide to Biology
Did you faint when your middle school science teacher asked you to dissect a frog? Do you think DNA stands for “Don’t Know the Answer”? Do you still cling to the belief that osmosis was the name of Ozzy Osbourne’s last tour? If you said yes to any of these questions—or even if you didn’t—then you need The Cartoon Guide to Biology

Mad for Ads: How Advertising Gets (and Stays) in Our Heads
For children growing up in an advertising-saturated world, here’s an eye-opening explanation of what advertising is, how it works and why that matters. It’s a savvy look at the business of advertising that teaches children to pay better attention to ads and be more discerning about the messages they find.

Talent: Instructions for Use
A book tells teenagers and their parents about various creative professions and how to feel, develop and realize their talent. 13 creative industries, real stories of recognized Ukrainian professionals, interesting facts about professions and practical tasks — all this will help you appreciate the creative sphere in a new way and feel the superpower of your own talent.

What is Not Taught in School. Answers to the Most Important Questions in Infographics
All of us want our children to grow up to be smart, prudent, successful, sensitive, of course happy and, in addition, to have good health. But if the study of natural sciences is more or less given attention in school, then what about other wishes?A collection of infographics for children “What is not taught in school” will help you find answers to the most important questions.

Respect. A Girl’s Guide to Getting Respect & Dealing When Your Line Is Crossed
Every girl has the right to respect and wants to be valued as a person, to hear her opinion and not to force her to do something that is uncomfortable. And for this, first of all, you need to learn to love and respect yourself. This book — assistant for self-confidence: in your body, role in relationships, communication with peers and elders. A person who learns to value himself will be able to easily recognize a manipulator, will not tolerate discrimination and will confidently defend his rights.

Why Parents Annoy You and How to HelpIt
Do you constantly fight with your parents over little things? Their unbearable dictation is annoying: how should you live, what to do, who to be friends with, how to communicate and even how to feel? Finally, learn how to understand what is going on in your parents’ head and what is going on in yours. Because to understand is to understand, to prevent conflicts and quarrels that add worries to your life.

I Am Choosing a Profession. Who to Become. STEP BY STEP Teenager’s Guide
How to find the right activity for you? This guide will help you figure it out! The main goal of the book is to help you decide on your dream profession. How? With the help of self-discovery questionnaires, a review of career market trends, and advice from experts and personal development coaches.

I Am Choosing a Hobby. STEP BY STEP Teenager’s Guide
This guidebook will convince readers that hobbies are useful and essential for a happy and active life. It contains interesting information about popular hobbies (when a particular hobby appeared, why it became widespread, what benefits it can bring, etc.).

A Million-Dollar Dream. Go to the World of Money and Business
Explain money and business to the most demanding and restless audience – teenagers. Serhiy Vozhzhov, an entrepreneur and business coach, knows and understands this audience because he has been teaching financial literacy to teenagers for many years.

The Art of the Possible. A Guide to Politics for Every Day
If someone told you that YOU are a politician? Do not believe? In vain “The Art of the Possible” will show why politics is vital to you and why you are important to it. Politics isn’t just about adults making up laws. It is much more. This is how we all live and interact: people, communities, states. How we choose and decide. How we manage ourselves, how we treat our neighbors. Politics is influenced by absolutely everyone.

Shapes in Math, Science and Nature: Squares, Triangles and Circles
This book will tell the most interesting facts about such simple and at the same time important figures: square, triangle and circle. It will teach you how to measure angles and calculate area, draw perfectly proportional figures without tools and make universal constructors from them.

Private Needs Explained to Kids. Let’s Talk It Out with Parents and Without
The book tells some important things about body parts that we usually cover with underwear. We are used to cover them not because those parts are ugly or shameful, but because we treat those areas with respect and consideration. Those private parts are named the reproductive organs or genitals. These parts require special care and that`s what we are going to discuss. This book focuses on your body, your health and your safety.

How to Become somebody
How to choose the best profession? What to do when you don’t know what you want to do? How to discover your talents?.. This book will tell you how to follow your dreams. Will introduce you to the most interesting professions and stories of famous people who proved: everything will definitely work out, the main thing is to strive for it! Read, try and build your future!

The City Has Me!
The first illustrated edition for children, which reveals the secrets of all processes in the city, tells about how residents manage their city, what the city budget is and how it is filled, why heat should be saved, how not to drown in garbage and why it should be sorted, all about types of transport and when and why it is better to walk on foot.

Every Lump of Earth
“Why is dad sleeping in the hospital for so long? Why is mom crying? Where is our home and why did we have to leave with friends? This touching and deep book is a way to talk with the smallest about the war in modern Ukraine, its personal and family dimensions, and about common values. About the fact that it is always better to laugh, and when you are sad, you can cry. About how important it is to protect every piece of our land and each other.”

Step Into Your Power
In this friendly guide, learn how to look after yourself, ‘organise, don’t agonise’, make good choices, get out of ruts, branch out, shake up your mindset and ask for help. How do you overcome a setback? How do you cope when you or a family member gets sick? How do you change your mindset when you can’t change your situation? There’s self-care advice and activities on every page you can take and make your very own.

Ukrainians in the World: 33 True Stories
This book tells the story of prominent Ukrainians who are known and honored around the world. But often the world community is not even aware of their origins. Our heroes lived and became famous in other countries. Among them are military men, politicians, travelers, scientists, inventors, artists, writers, movie stars, musicians, astronauts, and the wives of kings and sultans.

Outstanding People. Art and Literature
Biographies and examples of the most famous works, talks about the merits of more than a hundred outstanding cultural figures whose names have gone down in history. The pages are decorated with bright illustrations that reflect the era in which these artists lived and worked. The first showings of films, the printing of books on the Gutenberg press and fashion demonstrations by Coco Chanel are visualized here. And various artistic directions are presented.

Travelbook. Ukraine
These are 1,200 unique facts about Ukraine and Ukrainians. This book is created from discoveries. With it, you will be able to look at Ukraine in a new way. This is a narrative map in the “edutainment” format, on which the most interesting historical, geographical and statistical facts about the country are indicated in the author’s illustrations. Experts from various fields were involved in the creation of the book, and they created 30 maps of Ukrainian cities and regions.

Atlas Obscura: An Explorer’s Guide to the World’s Hidden Wonders
Atlas Obscura revels in the weird, the unexpected, the overlooked, the hidden, and the mysterious. Every page expands our sense of how strange and marvelous the world really is. And with its compelling descriptions, hundreds of photographs, surprising charts, maps for every region of the world, it is a book you can open anywhere

Is It All Because of the Food?! Life Hacks for Proper Nutrition for Teenagers
Each chapter of the book – a convenient and understandable life hack, which is the right way to solve this or that problem. The recommendations in the publication are extremely accessible, so every teenager will be able to follow them without any worries. An effective and simple menu option was a wonderful bonus to the book. Bright illustrations, irreplaceable tables and diagrams will make the perception of information fun and interesting.
More about the participants of the regional stage
Before the full-scale invasion, this educational institution was a real pride of the community: newly renovated premises and a canteen; classrooms with modern interactive equipment; laptops for almost all teachers; and printers (including 3D). More than 350 children were educated here.
During almost a month of complete occupation of the village (and several weeks of the invaders’ residence in the lyceum), russians mercilessly destroyed almost all computer and multimedia equipment, furniture (most classrooms lost about 70% of their educational and material base!), stole a brand-new school bus, and mined the premises.
The shock wave from enemy air bombs smashed almost all the windows and doors. The majority of the school’s teaching staff remained in Boromlia during the occupation. Therefore, immediately after the village was liberated on March 26, 2022, the lyceum staff, together with concerned community members, began to clean up the consequences of the occupation, and in early April, they resumed classes (remotely).

Despite its beautiful name, Myrnohrad (“city of peace”) is not a peaceful city, as it is located near the frontline and, during the full-scale invasion, was repeatedly attacked by enemy forces and hosted many IDPs and military personnel.
By February 24, 2023, School No. 10 had been attended by 735 children! Currently, 634 students are studying remotely.
The school’s library collection includes 24,317 books. The number of books is impressive, but the quality, unfortunately, is not: about 40% are in russian. In addition, there is an acute shortage of modern fiction for children of all ages and specialized literature in Ukrainian.

The Krasnokutsk community of Kharkiv region is one of those where the situation is relatively calm (very relatively calm, because there are no safe places in Ukraine at the moment). There was no occupation and no fighting here, so a lot of IDPs came here (last spring, they were evacuated from Kharkiv by school buses, often under fire). In September 2022, 18,000 IDPs lived in the Krasnokutsk community (for comparison, the local population was 26,700). Helping IDPs and supporting the Armed Forces of Ukraine are currently the main tasks of the residents of the Krasnokutsk community.
The lyceum’s library has 6,500 copies of the local collection, most of which are in russian. The collection is outdated and worn out.
At the same time, local children (mostly primary and secondary school students) love to read. They are especially interested in comics, adventures, and fairy tales. There is a lack of modern fiction for children and works from the school curriculum.
Therefore, 50 books from B50 will qualitatively complement the local library, help local children better understand the world and themselves, and make their lives more interesting.

At the beginning of the full-scale invasion, the russians passed through Kholmy. The settlement was actually under siege, but fortunately, it did not suffer the destruction and horrors of the occupation. Currently, the village is hosting IDPs and trying to live a normal life as much as possible in wartime.
The staff of the Kholmy School Library creates conditions for interesting activities and the development of local children. For example, they organize “Open Air Readings,” where children get acquainted with new books, socialize, and play outdoor games.
The school staff also actively replenishes the library collection, as local youth really love to read.

Kyselivka School was built in the 80s of the nineteenth century (the exact date could not be established). At first, education was conducted in Polish. The school switched to Ukrainian in 1937.
Before russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, 124 students attended the Lyceum.
During the occupation, the educational institution was an enemy base (with the corresponding devastating consequences: no windows and doors; some walls were completely destroyed; equipment was stolen). The library of the Lyceum had 7,109 books (exclusively in Ukrainian!). Of these, 2,479 were textbooks. Currently, 20% of the collection is missing.
According to the Lyceum director, local children are interested in reading. They are most interested in the works of modern writers.

The participants of the third stage are libraries from the south, east, and north of Ukraine.
2,500 educational books will be donated to 50 libraries from the frontline and de-occupied territories.
The first set of books was sponsored by the organization Melexis-Ukraine and its employees as part of corporate volunteering for library in Kyiv region.
The next five participants received the books in November: the libraries of the villages of Shandryholove and Khrystoforivka, as well as the lyceums of the village of Ripky and the towns of Kozacha Lopan and Bilopillia. Sets of 50 educational books for three of these libraries were purchased thanks to a donation from Lemons for Learning, an organization started by teenagers from the USA, Max (17) and Yulia (13). They raised the money for children’s developmental and educational opportunities around the world by selling lemonade and other products.
The school from Kherson received a set from B50 thanks to the initiative of volunteer Nataliia Paliichuk, who conducted a fundraising campaign among her friends and raised money for the new books.
Libraries of educational institutions from de-occupied Savyntsi and frontline Marhanets and Kilia received sets of educational literature under the P.AGE project thanks to the Bundlex company, which provided funds for the purchase of books, making a wonderful gift for children for the New Year.

Big Ideas For Young Thinkers. 20 Questions about Life and the Universe
This book teaches children to train their busy brains and think outside the box. Get lost for hours exploring puzzling questions that have stumped thinkers for years. More importantly, discover your truth by reading about a diverse range of thinkers. For example, try to recall your earliest memory. Can you remember a lot or a little? Do memories make us who we are? Or do we pick and choose them to suit who we are? This is a multi-layered book to be explored again and again, revealing new opinions on every read.

Five Spikelets. Holodomor. The Stories of How Ukrainians Were Vanishing
These stories tell the readers how Ukrainians were disappearing, how they were losing everything they had — and how they survived. The children in this book go about their children’s lives, experiencing and perceiving the events around them just like any children should. They tell stories about Holodomor to other children like them. It is a book full of light about some of the darkest days in the Ukrainian history. This book speaks in the voices of children from the past who reveal the truth.

Travelbook. Independent
In the 31st year of its independence, Ukraine’s future under threat to be stolen as well. Nevertheless, Ukrainians made their choice a long time ago and have been forced to prove it with blood, defending each square metre of our land. We invite you on an amazing journey through our years of independence. its galaxies of talent, and the hard and winding path that made us unique and made us the heroes of the free world.

Cool History of Ukraine. From Dinosaurs Till Now
Is history boring and unclear? The heroes of this book also thought so at first. But just one interesting find can push you to get to know the story more closely – and discover that it can be exciting, vivid and so close to each of them. Four friends set out to investigate our history, to find out the whole truth: which dinosaurs lived on our lands, who fought for the independence we have now, why Ukrainians are the way they are.

Get Over Yourself. For Teenagers Who Want to Learn to Take Control of Their Lives
We wrote a book that we would like to read ourselves. I know what it’s like — be depressed and suffer from eating disorders. The level of mental illness among young people continues to grow, and we want to do something about it.

Kidstory: 50 Children and Young People Who Shook Up the World
This is a collection of biographical stories about talented teenagers who inspire their peers by their example. These stories draw attention to hot social topics such as disability, discrimination or war, but at the same time give a lot of faith in yourself, people and change for the better.

They Changed the World. Outstanding Women of Ukraine
This book is about the most famous women of ancient and modern Ukraine. Personal stories of wise rulers, patrons and brilliant artists – indomitable, talented, special women with their strength of spirit, whose success inspires even today.

STEM Quest: Fantastic Forces and Incredible Machines Paperback
You’ll find tons of super-fun, hands-on activities that will captivate all the inquisitive girls and boys around. Kids can build their own race car, solve the mystery of how the Egyptians built the pyramids, create an ice-cube igloo, and lots of other feats of engineering.

Think for yourself. The Ultimate Guide to Critical Thinking in an Age of Information Overload
This book helps in developing and training critical thinking skills. It encourages you to ask, learn, explore, and not just take anything on faith. To achieve the goal, you only need to practice a little with the new “armor”. And training: useful information, tests for self-discovery, exercises to detect deception and quotes for inspiration — you can find it here.

The Boys’ Guide to Growing Up
This book — your guide on the journey of growing up. It simply and clearly explains how your body is arranged and what changes await it in the next few years. And here there are many useful tips and hints that will help you cope with everything. Learn more about yourself — and start a new stage of life boldly and confidently!

The Great Book “Why?”
In this encyclopedia, young readers will find answers to many of their questions about the mysteries of nature and ancient civilizations, historical events and famous figures, flora and fauna, and the place of humans in the universe and on Earth. The publication is lavishly illustrated and will become a desk book for schoolchildren.

What Is Everyone Talking About? Fake News
Fake news is one of the problems of the modern world. They incite enmity in communities, and sometimes they can split society. The popularity of social networks contributes to their instant spread, but it is far from a modern invention. From this illustrated color edition, the reader will not only learn to distinguish that the news is true, but also learn interesting facts about the evolution of speech, the development of writing, the meaning of myths, the invention of printing, and the development of mass media.

About Rights and Responsibilities: Your Citizenship Guide
The book “About rights and responsibilities: your guide to citizenship”; acquaints readers with the main “rules” that are dictated to us by accepting Ukrainian citizenship. What are the most important agreements each of us made with Ukraine? How is our country organized, and who runs it? Why is it important to take care of other people’s rights and how to protect yourself from encroachment on your own?

Ours. Engineering History of Ukraine
Ours are fifty stories about Ukrainian engineers and their inventions. Ukrainians by origin or beliefs. And it’s also an opportunity to try yourself as an engineer. The stories are supplemented with tasks that allow you to understand what led the engineer to the invention, or to reproduce a fragment of it.

The Girls’ Guide to Growing Up
This book — your guide on the journey of growing up. It simply and clearly explains how your body is arranged and what changes await it in the next few years. And here there are many useful tips and hints that will help you cope with everything. Learn more about yourself — and start a new stage of life boldly and confidently!

Finance for Beginners
How to teach children financial literacy? Explain what money is, how it works, how to earn and spend it, how to save and donate, what taxes are and how the government manages money? This illustrated guide will reveal a lot of useful information to young readers and parents, which will help them gain useful knowledge and develop the skill of proper handling of money.

Engineered!: Engineering Design at Work
The book will introduce young readers to the main stages of engineering design and, using the example of nine stories from real life, will prove how ingenious engineers and their inventions can be. Find out step-by-step how people who can solve any problem create a super-fast bike, eliminate traffic jams and even create artificial skin.

Politics for Beginners
Changes in our country cause a lot of questions in the little ones. “Politics for Beginners” will become a real information guide that will help parents explain to their child about such difficult things as: human rights, freedom of speech, feminism, elections and voting. In addition to explanations and interesting dialogues in the book, “Politics for Beginners” has a separate dictionary with the most common definitions. The book will be useful not only for children, but also for adults

Drawing is Easy
Experience is not required to experiment with paints and create real masterpieces! Creative and original techniques from a professional artist will inspire everyone who wants to master various painting techniques or just have fun with paints.

Key Moments in Art
Art lovers can list history’s most important art objects, but what many don’t know are the dramatic, funny, and sometimes bizarre stories behind these most famous works. Spanning the last 500 years of art history, this book revisits fifty momentous events that changed the course of art.

Kay’s Anatomy
Do you ever think about your body and how it all works? Like really properly think about it? The human body is extraordinary and fascinating and, well… pretty weird. Yours is weird, mine is weird, your maths teacher’s is even weirder. This book is going to tell you what’s actually going on in there, and answer the really important questions, like: Are bogies safe to eat? How much of your life will you spend on the toilet?

Think and Invent
This book offers unusual experiments to awaken the inner inventor in each of us. Also, your child will learn from it many interesting real-life stories that will encourage brilliant thoughts.
Try offering your children this game of inventing or improving something!

These Amazing Ukrainians
an exciting space journey into the world of Ukraine and the people who inhabit it. Cosmic, because Ukraine — this is a whole universe where the unfailing law of gravitation of Ukrainians to the land, where the sun of freedom shines, but does not always warm, operates.

Old Enough to Save the Planet
How can a child save the planet? For example, after reading this book. Here are stories about twelve eco-activist schoolchildren from around the world who motivate not only children, but also adults. The heroes of the book are conscious, caring, imaginative, so they do everything possible to preserve the environment. Someone protects rhinos in Africa, someone cleans the coast in Australia, and someone composts garbage in Ukraine.

100 Things to Know about Space
This book provides information about the history of space exploration, the location of the Earth in the universe, the formation of the solar system, the exploration of the planets by robots, etc. Operating with numbers, using clear examples, “100 facts about space” explains what gravity is, talks about galaxy mergers, magnetic storms and other phenomena.

The Cartoon Guide to Chemistry
If you have ever suspected that “heavy water” is the title of a bootleg Pink Floyd album, believed that surface tension is an anxiety disorder, or imagined that a noble gas is the result of a heavy meal at Buckingham Palace, then you need The Cartoon Guide to Chemistry to set you on the road to chemical literacy.

Important Philosophical Questions for 7-11 Years Old Children
This is a book that teaches children to think critically and reflect on complex topics. Children often ask philosophical questions that even adults cannot find answers to, so French philosophers will help them get closer to their own understanding of certain problems.

100 Things To Know About Numbers
The book contains 100 fascinating facts about numbers, computers, programming and how they are used and improved. All information is accompanied by bright illustrations. The edition has a dictionary with words used in the book, as well as an index. From the book, you will be able to learn about the following things: the human brain has a separate area that is responsible for recognizing numbers; computers mix three colors in more than 16 million combinations; mostly the Internet is underwater and many more amazing facts.

501 Facts You Need to Know About … Geography
In this book, not at all like a school textbook, you will find 501 important facts about the Earth. In particular, interesting information about the continents, oceans and atmosphere and the results of research into unusual natural phenomena and ecocatastrophes. The book will interest everyone who likes to learn about the world.

The Cartoon Guide to Biology
Did you faint when your middle school science teacher asked you to dissect a frog? Do you think DNA stands for “Don’t Know the Answer”? Do you still cling to the belief that osmosis was the name of Ozzy Osbourne’s last tour? If you said yes to any of these questions—or even if you didn’t—then you need The Cartoon Guide to Biology

Mad for Ads: How Advertising Gets (and Stays) in Our Heads
For children growing up in an advertising-saturated world, here’s an eye-opening explanation of what advertising is, how it works and why that matters. It’s a savvy look at the business of advertising that teaches children to pay better attention to ads and be more discerning about the messages they find.

Talent: Instructions for Use
A book tells teenagers and their parents about various creative professions and how to feel, develop and realize their talent. 13 creative industries, real stories of recognized Ukrainian professionals, interesting facts about professions and practical tasks — all this will help you appreciate the creative sphere in a new way and feel the superpower of your own talent.

What is Not Taught in School. Answers to the Most Important Questions in Infographics
All of us want our children to grow up to be smart, prudent, successful, sensitive, of course happy and, in addition, to have good health. But if the study of natural sciences is more or less given attention in school, then what about other wishes?A collection of infographics for children “What is not taught in school” will help you find answers to the most important questions.

Respect. A Girl’s Guide to Getting Respect & Dealing When Your Line Is Crossed
Every girl has the right to respect and wants to be valued as a person, to hear her opinion and not to force her to do something that is uncomfortable. And for this, first of all, you need to learn to love and respect yourself. This book — assistant for self-confidence: in your body, role in relationships, communication with peers and elders. A person who learns to value himself will be able to easily recognize a manipulator, will not tolerate discrimination and will confidently defend his rights.

Why Parents Annoy You and How to HelpIt
Do you constantly fight with your parents over little things? Their unbearable dictation is annoying: how should you live, what to do, who to be friends with, how to communicate and even how to feel? Finally, learn how to understand what is going on in your parents’ head and what is going on in yours. Because to understand is to understand, to prevent conflicts and quarrels that add worries to your life.

Cool Architecture
This book is a filled with all kinds of interesting facts, from the Pyramids to the Corinthian column, from simple homes created by the earliest humans, to the towering skyscrapers of New York. The book provides a learning environment, where the reader is immersed in the architectural movements and advances throughout history, and the personalities that made them. It also takes the reader inside the most iconic buildings, from Greece’s Parthenon to the Burj Khalifa Tower in Dubai.

I Am Choosing a Hobby. STEP BY STEP Teenager’s Guide
This guidebook will convince readers that hobbies are useful and essential for a happy and active life. It contains interesting information about popular hobbies (when a particular hobby appeared, why it became widespread, what benefits it can bring, etc.).

A Million-Dollar Dream. Go to the World of Money and Business
Explain money and business to the most demanding and restless audience – teenagers. Serhiy Vozhzhov, an entrepreneur and business coach, knows and understands this audience because he has been teaching financial literacy to teenagers for many years.

The Art of the Possible. A Guide to Politics for Every Day
If someone told you that YOU are a politician? Do not believe? In vain “The Art of the Possible” will show why politics is vital to you and why you are important to it. Politics isn’t just about adults making up laws. It is much more. This is how we all live and interact: people, communities, states. How we choose and decide. How we manage ourselves, how we treat our neighbors. Politics is influenced by absolutely everyone.

Shapes in Math, Science and Nature: Squares, Triangles and Circles
This book will tell the most interesting facts about such simple and at the same time important figures: square, triangle and circle. It will teach you how to measure angles and calculate area, draw perfectly proportional figures without tools and make universal constructors from them.

Private Needs Explained to Kids. Let’s Talk It Out with Parents and Without
The book tells some important things about body parts that we usually cover with underwear. We are used to cover them not because those parts are ugly or shameful, but because we treat those areas with respect and consideration. Those private parts are named the reproductive organs or genitals. These parts require special care and that`s what we are going to discuss. This book focuses on your body, your health and your safety.

How to Become somebody
How to choose the best profession? What to do when you don’t know what you want to do? How to discover your talents?.. This book will tell you how to follow your dreams. Will introduce you to the most interesting professions and stories of famous people who proved: everything will definitely work out, the main thing is to strive for it! Read, try and build your future!

The City Has Me!
The first illustrated edition for children, which reveals the secrets of all processes in the city, tells about how residents manage their city, what the city budget is and how it is filled, why heat should be saved, how not to drown in garbage and why it should be sorted, all about types of transport and when and why it is better to walk on foot.

Every Lump of Earth
“Why is dad sleeping in the hospital for so long? Why is mom crying? Where is our home and why did we have to leave with friends? This touching and deep book is a way to talk with the smallest about the war in modern Ukraine, its personal and family dimensions, and about common values. About the fact that it is always better to laugh, and when you are sad, you can cry. About how important it is to protect every piece of our land and each other.”

Step Into Your Power
In this friendly guide, learn how to look after yourself, ‘organise, don’t agonise’, make good choices, get out of ruts, branch out, shake up your mindset and ask for help. How do you overcome a setback? How do you cope when you or a family member gets sick? How do you change your mindset when you can’t change your situation? There’s self-care advice and activities on every page you can take and make your very own.

Ukrainians in the World: 33 True Stories
This book tells the story of prominent Ukrainians who are known and honored around the world. But often the world community is not even aware of their origins. Our heroes lived and became famous in other countries. Among them are military men, politicians, travelers, scientists, inventors, artists, writers, movie stars, musicians, astronauts, and the wives of kings and sultans.

Outstanding People. Art and Literature
Biographies and examples of the most famous works, talks about the merits of more than a hundred outstanding cultural figures whose names have gone down in history. The pages are decorated with bright illustrations that reflect the era in which these artists lived and worked. The first showings of films, the printing of books on the Gutenberg press and fashion demonstrations by Coco Chanel are visualized here. And various artistic directions are presented.

Travelbook. Ukraine
These are 1,200 unique facts about Ukraine and Ukrainians. This book is created from discoveries. With it, you will be able to look at Ukraine in a new way. This is a narrative map in the “edutainment” format, on which the most interesting historical, geographical and statistical facts about the country are indicated in the author’s illustrations. Experts from various fields were involved in the creation of the book, and they created 30 maps of Ukrainian cities and regions.

Children’s Atlas of the World
This illustrated atlas invites readers on an incredible tour of all corners of our planet with the help of beautifully designed maps. Modern scientific information is accompanied by vivid photographs. Young readers learn about natural habitats and bustling cities; ancient traditions and modern way of life; about the sights that make each country unique.

Is It All Because of the Food?! Life Hacks for Proper Nutrition for Teenagers
Each chapter of the book – a convenient and understandable life hack, which is the right way to solve this or that problem. The recommendations in the publication are extremely accessible, so every teenager will be able to follow them without any worries. An effective and simple menu option was a wonderful bonus to the book. Bright illustrations, irreplaceable tables and diagrams will make the perception of information fun and interesting.
More about the participants of the National stage
The village of Ivankiv was one of the first to be occupied by the enemy. There was everything that russians love so much: shelling, occupation, killing of civilians, looting, burning of the historical and local history museum, which housed a collection of paintings by Mariia Prymachenko.
The Ivankiv library also experienced the horrors of the war: the roof of the building was damaged, and many books in the storage were “caught” by bullets. Nevertheless, the institution continues to develop, hold various educational events and support Ukrainians.
The library was selected from among the applications by Melexis-Ukraine employees who had been working with B50 as part of corporate volunteering. B50 gave the company our list of developmental literature. Employees chose books from the list, bought them and brought them to the office. At the same time, they opened a Monobank account so that people could simply donate to purchase literature.
They chose the library because they wanted to support an institution from their region and replenish the library’s collection, which had suffered from the occupation.

The village of Shandryholove in the Donetsk region is a typical settlement liberated from the russians: smashed machinery, shell craters, ruins and ashes, not a single surviving house, destroyed kindergarten, school, workshop, club, library… From May to September 2022, the village was under russian occupation. On September 27, as part of the battles for Lyman, it was liberated by the Ukrainian Armed Forces. But the front is still close (25 km).
Since the local school was destroyed, the 16 children who remained in the village are taught by a Ukrainian language and literature teacher at home. The village library was also destroyed: before the full-scale invasion, it had 9,238 books, and now it has only 337 books donated by caring readers. Now it operates in the format of a “library in a backpack”. Therefore, the book collection needs to be replenished, especially with children’s and informational literature. That is why 50 modern Ukrainian-language books from B50 will be a very tangible and useful gift for children from the village of Shandryholove.

This library is one of the best branches of the Bashtanka Public Library. It plays an important role in the socio-cultural life of the entire community, popularizing reading among its residents and fostering reading culture among young people. There is a hobby club called “Ridnokrai” (“‘Homeland’), which explores the history of their small homeland and studies its literary and artistic life.
In early March 2022, Khrystoforivka came under occupation, and the russian military occupied the Museum of the village’s history, which housed the library. They created a mess here (as they did everywhere else they could reach): they kicked in doors, broke locks, damaged windows and furniture (they used it to build barricades), completely destroyed 200 books (including many patriotic publications) and readers’ forms (they burned them while cooking), and left behind a pile of garbage and dirt.
Despite the burning of many books, the library’s collection now includes 12,205 copies, including 10,151 in Ukrainian. Local children like to read science fiction, adventure literature, informative books about animals, plants, and the creation of the world, and younger children like fairy tales.
The library is in need of a significant upgrade of its collection, as the books that are physically and morally outdated are unable to meet the needs of modern users. Therefore, receiving a set of books from B50 is extremely important and valuable for the Khrystoforivka library.

The town of Bilopillia is located 10 kilometers from russia, so it is not surprising that the enemy is constantly shelling it with everything they can (once there were 170 explosions in the Bilopillia community in a week!). But life goes on, and so does school.
Bilopillia Gymnasium No. 5, where 114 children currently study, has suffered significant damage: the dining room building was destroyed by a direct hit from a Shahid drone, almost all the windows in the primary school and dormitory building were blown out, and all the windows in the library were smashed. The library was moved and set up in another building.
The issue of the premises has been resolved, but there is a problem with updating the library collection. The interest in reading among the students of the Gymnasium is very high. They are interested in historical topics, natural sciences, and students in grades 1-4 like to read fairy tales, which, unfortunately, are almost non-existent here. There is also a lack of literature by contemporary writers (Ukrainian and foreign).
The Gymnasium has many children from underprivileged backgrounds who need special support. Thanks to the new books, these children will plunge into the world of adventures, learn something new and interesting, and at least for a while forget about the war. So the set from B50 will be a great gift for the students of Bilopillia Gymnasium No. 5.

Ripky, 25 kilometers from the border with Belarus, is home to real heroes – ordinary villagers who, without any weapons or military experience (!), managed to defend their home from the invaders. On the 8th day of the full-scale war, russian troops arrived here. The first small enemy convoy was stopped at the cost of one dead and one wounded, and the second was stopped by a peaceful rally and negotiations, during which the community leadership managed to negotiate with the invaders to leave Ripky. Then the locals learned to coexist with the russians, who set up a checkpoint outside the village and decided which vehicles to let through and which not, supported each other and did not lower the Ukrainian flags (yellow and blue flags were permanently hanging over all administrative buildings).
Currently, 504 children study at the Ripky Lyceum (many are brought here from 19 (!) neighboring villages) and, despite the war, life is in full swing: competitions, various themed days, gardening (the school garden initiative), and an inclusive resource center operate at the Lyceum. The school’s staff is actively involved in volunteering, making trench candles and tea blends for the Armed Forces.
Fortunately, the lyceum’s premises, including the library, were not damaged by the fighting. But the book collection needs to be updated. Currently, it has 7,210 titles of fiction, of which only 30% are in Ukrainian and only 10% are new (published after 2004).
At the same time, students show interest in reading. They are most fond of adventure, fantasy, comics, children’s detective stories, and horror stories. They are also interested in encyclopedias about animals, transportation, and space. Therefore, 50 modern Ukrainian-language books from B50 will significantly update and diversify the library collection of the Ripky Lyceum.

From February 24 to September 11, 2022, Kozacha Lopan, which is located just 2 km from the russian border, was under temporary occupation. The enemies set up two of their headquarters in the village and began to “restore order” – they installed loyal “authorities”, terrorized, searched and restricted people’s movement, set up two torture chambers where Ukrainians were tortured, raped and beaten (the invaders were especially cruel to ATO and JFO participants).
One of the russian headquarters was located in the building of a Lyceum in the center of the village. In front of the door, the occupiers made a barricade of overturned tables, with the letters Z and propaganda slogans painted on the lids with orange spray paint. The inside of the building is a mess: broken furniture, scattered notebooks, alcohol bottles, and various inscriptions (always with the letter Z) written on chalkboards. In almost every room there are half-dried traces of human excrement, and the smell is corresponding. In short, the school is empty after the invaders. 507 children are currently studying remotely (the educational process resumed in April 2022, during the occupation).
The Lyceum’s library also suffered losses: the blast wave damaged the windows, and the enemies burned all the textbooks they found (they did not touch the fiction). Before the full-scale war, the library collection included 14,058 books, brochures, and magazines, including 6,905 fiction books.
At the same time, students read with pleasure: teenagers are most interested in popular science literature and fiction works of programmed books. Kids prefer fairy tales and educational games. So we are sure that the books from B50 will definitely find their readers in Kozacha Lopan!

Kherson secondary school No. 39 “School-Family” is located on the outskirts of the city, 5 km from Antonivskyi Bridge and 10 km from Chornobaivka airfield. The school building itself was miraculously not destroyed, but it is located exactly between these two points of constant shelling
During the occupation, children studied online. However, not all of them had Internet access and the connection was lost.
Before the invasion, 380 children studied at school No. 39, and afterwards – 450 (the number increased due to IDPs). Currently, the educational process is taking place remotely due to the threat of shelling, which takes place in Kherson almost every day.
The school and library are very active. There is a Museum of Ethnography and Rural Life, and a club called “Local History” where young guides meet with school students and guests. The students are constantly involved in charitable activities, including the Marathon of Good Deeds campaign.

Although Killia was not under occupation, the residents of the city felt the presence of russian troops on the nearby Zmiinyi Island (“Snake Island”). The city was shelled a lot and often, and Kiliia was not destroyed only due to the excellent work of air defense. The townspeople also went through the enemy’s information and psychological attacks about landings and “you have nowhere to run”, but they bravely withstood.
Unfortunately, Odesa region is still suffering from constant attacks by enemy drones. Despite this, the building of Kiliia Secondary School No. 3 was fortunately not damaged. Today, 582 children are studying here in a mixed form (full-time and distance learning). The school has a bomb shelter.
The library collection is sorely lacking in Ukrainian-language books. Several times the school held the ” Present a Book to the Library” campaign, but this did not solve the problem, and there is still a lack of fiction, science and historical literature in Ukrainian. And such literature is extremely necessary, because Kiliia is located on the very border with Romania and the majority of the population is russian-speaking.

Savyntsi is a picturesque town located on the banks of the Siverskyi Donets River in the Izium district of Kharkiv region, the center of the Savyntsi territorial community.
For six months, the community was under russian occupation. Three schools (out of four) and one club were destroyed to the ground and cannot be restored. Savyntsi Music School was also damaged – windows were smashed, a large hole in the roof, and all musical instruments were lost.
Fortunately, the Savyntsi Lyceum, where 550 children (including IDPs) are currently studying remotely, was not seriously damaged (the only one in the entire community!). The building survived, but the occupiers took 69 computers and all the projectors were torn out so that they cannot be restored.
The library of the institution miraculously did not suffer any losses – the entire book collection remained on the shelves, but needs to be updated. Currently, the fiction collection includes 10,648 titles, of which only 30% are in Ukrainian, most of them published in the last century. The books for primary and secondary school age are most lacking.

Marhanets is actually on the front line, so it is under constant shelling from heavy weapons and drones. During one of the constant shelling, the building of Marhanets Lyceum No. 9 was damaged (the shock wave broke the windows of the library), where more than fifty children (including IDPs) are currently studying online.
Despite the fact that the lyceum is relatively young (it has been operating since 1986), the library collection is outdated, with only 35% of books in Ukrainian and 40% published after 2004, and a lack of Ukrainian-language books for the school curriculum and specialized literature.
At the same time, lyceum students love to read, and librarians are active. In particular, they hold a campaign called “Present a Book to the Library” in which people from different parts of the country send fiction and specialized literature in Ukrainian to the library of Lyceum No. 9.

The selection of libraries to participate in the project continues.

How to join?
Become a part of the P.AGE project and help B50 brighten the world of children, who have suffered and lost so much.
Help “little” Ukrainians form their worldview, find their vocation and interests, and gain self-confidence. And most importantly, to feel the care and concern of “adult”.
Join us in shaping the future of the Ukraine!
Support the project with funds for the purchase of educational books, production of information materials, and delivery of books to the library.
8 dollars or euros (the average cost of quality educational books in Ukraine) is one step towards our goal.
All financial statements are published on our website upon completion of projects.
SEARCH US b50@b50.com.ua

Sponsor an entire library!
For this you can organize a fundraiser among your friends and the people you know. And when you have accumulated the full amount, you can make a targeted donation to replenish the children’s library fund with our set of books.
Join the corporate volunteering together with your colleagues to restore our country and the potential of young Ukrainians. Make a targeted donation for a set of books on behalf of the organization or raise funds within the team!
Only UAH 15,000 (USD 400/ EUR 380) is needed to support one library.
Want to participate? Contact us on Telegram (@B50_org) or write to p.age@b50.com.ua and we will help you make it happen!

- Can you offer discounts on book purchases?
- Do you have a powerful blog on Youtube, Facebook, Instagram, or Telegram?
- Do you often travel between Kyiv and the frontline and de-occupied regions?
- Do you have new Ukrainian-language children’s books and want to share them?
- Do you know libraries that need help?
- Do you have other helpful information for the development of the project?
Contact us in any convenient way to discuss cooperation!
How to get help?
Do you work in a library or are you a representative of an educational institution from the de-occupied communities and war-affected regions? Apply for participation in the P.AGE project!
Tell us about children and the public library or school of your community, leave your contacts in the form. After processing
the requests, we will inform you about the possibility of participating in the project.
We are waiting for your applications!
Do you have more questions?
Our priority is to help communities affected by russia’s invasion in Ukraine.
We receive application forms from libraries, collect information, and include them in the project.
In times of change, people are the most important asset. An investment in children now is an investment in the bright future of Ukraine in 5-10 years!
At the pilot stage, we selected 50 books on our own. In the process of selecting a set for the library, we tried to find the highest quality publications on the book market. We tried to cover different age groups of children with interesting publications. At the same time, we tried to reflect different spheres and directions of personal, intellectual, professional development, formation of children’s consciousness and national identity.
Now we are planning to involve specialized experts in the development and review of the list.
In bookstores or publishers that offer the best prices and the most favorable terms of cooperation.
This allows us to create a set of books that will comprehensively shape the worldview of children in each community.
However, in addition to the set of 50 educational books, we are ready to accept fiction books in Ukrainian, in excellent condition, published after 2004.
We accept all your donations, as well as sponsorship funds, to the official accounts and PayPal of the public organization B50, so that we can buy all the books and pay for printing of polygraphic products.
The books are transferred on the basis of an Agreement and Transfer and Acceptance Certificate with the library. Therefore, all books are officially accepted on the balance sheet of the institution.
Through fundraising campaigns in Ukraine and abroad, partnerships with publishers, specialized bloggers, and influencers.
92.3% will be spent on purchasing books, and another 7.7% will be spent on polygraphy, which will help spread information about the project and the logistics of the donation to the recipients. These figures are indicative and estimated.
We are actively working to reduce these costs. For example, by obtaining special conditions from publishers, printing houses, and freight carriers.
Team salaries and other administrative costs are not included at this stage of the project.
You can write to p.age@b50.com.ua or Telegram @B50_org.
Project`s partners

Publishing House Zhorzh

Publishing House Monolith Bizz

Publishing House ASSA

Portal Publishing and Education

Publishing House Talant

Publishing House RM

Publishing Group Osnova

Publishing House Chas Maistriv

Publishing House Vivat

Publishing House Chitarium

Publishing House Knigolove

Book Club Family Leisure Club

Publishing House Ranok


Lemons for Learning