B50 develops a Country of Volunteers program with the Creative communications academy

In search of creative ways to popularize recovery volunteering, the B50 community has started working with students of the Creative Communications Academy.

This educational initiative enhances the creative communications skills of young professionals who want to work and develop public initiatives and organizations. The project is implemented by the linza agency with the support of the Ukrainian-Danish Youth House.

During their studies at the Creative communications academy, creative teams of experienced strategists, PR specialists, designers, and media professionals worked on real cases of well-known public sector organizations. In particular, the young people developed strategies for communication projects for our B50 volunteer community, as well as the International Renaissance Foundation, the Foundation for Regional Initiatives (FRI), the Institute for Social Initiatives, and Osvita360.

The task of the B50 case for the Creative communications academy was to develop a strategy and project concept to promote recovery volunteering. We would like to remind you that this is one of the missions of our community, which is in line with the essence of the Country of Volunteers program.

Over the course of a month, one of the Academy’s creative teams worked closely with B50 to develop effective interactive methods of engaging Ukrainians in recovery and reconstruction. The results were used to create a presentation and present it at the academy’s graduation.

Students of the Creative communications academy suggested that B50 launch a multichannel social advertising campaign. Its task is to reach new segments of the target audience and increase the flow of new volunteers to all public initiatives working in the recovery and reconstruction sector.

Cooperation with the Creative communications academy was intense and interesting. However, it does not end there! We hope we will soon move on to the joint implementation of our ideas.