In B50 – reorganization!

Our community changes the vector of development and systematizes the organizational structure.

The year 2023 for the B50 began with the definition of a new mission. In the near future, the team will focus on reconstructing the communities affected by russia’s invasion of Ukraine and providing them with the tools they need. In order to more effectively implement this mission, a decision on reorganization was agreed in the B50.

To implement certain reconstruction projects, as well as to attract grant funds, a new public organization, B50, appeared in the B50 structure. It was headed by Ruslan Habdulov.

Charitable Foundation “B50 Volunteers” remains a part of the community as a link for rallying volunteers and collecting donations from philanthropists. The director here is unchanged – Denys Herasymov.

The partnership of a public organization and a charitable foundation is now the base of the B50 volunteer society. They are developed by a common management team.

But it was decided to separate help to the military and near-military training into a separate project – B50 Frontier. This allocation will help scale up help to the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The organization will receive full autonomy and will be able to rally Ukrainians more effectively for the sake of victory.

If you are interested in making trench candles, weapons training or tactical medicine, we invite you to subscribe to the page of a new organization on Facebook – B50 Frontier.

The B50 volunteer community and the new B50 Frontier remain in a warm, friendly and supportive partnership!