B50 is building a volunteer warehouse

The B50 team creates a separate place for storing volunteer tools and equipment, because all the buckets, shovels, wheelbarrows, perforators, jackhammers, drills and other helpers no longer fit in Mrs.Valentina’s house in Moshchun. In a separate warehouse, B50 volunteers can store equipment and give it to teams of activists for work.


Warehouse area – 60 sq. m. It will have two separate entrances for two “owners”. One part of the premises will be occupied by our community, there will be wheelbarrows / rakes / buckets – everything is according to plan. The other will remain for the needs of the owner, on whose territory a warehouse is being built.

The key elements on which the strength and stability of the building depend are already ready, these are the foundation and the frame. Volunteers moved on to the next stage – they began to build a roof.

We are building a warehouse using donations from people who care. Volunteer B50 announced a fundraiser, as a result of which B50 received UAH 15,000. This amount was used to purchase timber and other building materials.

B50 volunteers who are directly involved in the process tell more about the construction of the warehouse.

Ruslan Habdulov, Executive Director of The B50 community

For all the time of our work, we have accumulated a lot of tools, equipment, building materials that need a permanent place for storage. Until recently, we enjoyed the hospitality of one of the residents of the village, but so far the premises provided by her are no longer enough to meet the current needs of our community and its development.

During our work, we met many residents of the Moshchun village and other volunteers who helped them. In this interaction, the idea arose to build a warehouse on the territory of one of the residents with three premises that will be used by the land owner, ourselves and another volunteer organization. In the process, unfortunately, the plans of the mentioned volunteers changed, but the idea remained, and is being successfully implemented already in the two-user version of the future building.

Artem Onyshchuk, B50 volunteer architect

When preparing the warehouse project, it was necessary to take into account the location and soil on which the building would be located, to choose such a constructive solution that the budget for the necessary materials would be feasible. So we are building a frame-type warehouse.

This is a simple and quick construction. The main stages of construction are the installation of the foundation, the installation of the frame, roof, and external cladding.

Anastasiia Baranova, B50 volunteer fundraiser

It’s hard to remember when I first heard about the idea of building a warehouse, but the emotions I experienced then are still with me – euphoria that we will be able to do even more good deeds, multiply good.

There was not even a project for a warehouse yet, and I was already mentally taking humanitarian aid there, which is given to us by people who care. In order for this to be implemented faster, I decided to open a fundraiser. Every time, during the next meeting, I hear so many words of support that motivated me, and this time was no exception. It was a very fast fundraiser, we were able to close it in six days.

The smallest donation is 50 UAH (although every time I write that even one hryvnia has great power), and the largest one is 5,000 UAH.