Zaporizhzhia, Sumy, Mykolaiv and Kherson will host “Stronger than Bricks” this spring!

Over the course of the year, the first media project of the B50 community, the photo exhibition “Stronger than Bricks,” visited 14 regions of Ukraine, where it was exhibited at 20 locations and introduced many thousands of people to restoration volunteering.

Now, having spent the winter in Ivano-Frankivsk, the B50 photo exhibition resumes its all-Ukrainian journey! This spring, it will be exhibited in four regional centers of Ukraine. Thus, residents and visitors of Zaporizhzhia, Sumy, Mykolaiv and Kherson will be able to see the photos of the tireless volunteers of the B50 community, which was one of the first to start restoring the liberated communities from the consequences of russian aggression in Ukraine.

The exhibition aims to inspire viewers with the resilience of active Ukrainians and motivate them to join the restoration volunteering. We also hope that the activities of the B50 volunteers depicted in the photographs will serve as a kind of moral support for the residents of the frontline and border cities of Zaporizhzhia, Sumy, Mykolaiv and Kherson, showing that people are not left alone with their destroyed homes and that recovery is possible.

This spring, “Stronger than Bricks” will be exhibited at the following locations:

The B50 photo exhibition will finish its all-Ukrainian journey in May 2024, having spent exactly one year on the road (it was in May 2023 that the presentation of “Stronger than Bricks” took place on the Kyiv Glass Bridge) and visited most regions of Ukraine, from Kyiv to Kherson.

We invite you to visit the B50 photo exhibition in your city!