B50 volunteers have completed repairs in two kids’ bomb shelters!

We have done it: we have repaired the bomb shelters of two educational institutions – Nova Hreblia Gymnasium and Kolosochok kindergarten in Borodianka! This was made possible by our tireless volunteers from the Reconstruction project and our sponsors – the central and Ukrainian offices of the TakeOff trading company, who financed the purchase of the necessary building materials.

Below, we tell you about each shelter.

Nova Hreblia Gymnasium

Here, the B50 volunteers were tasked with repairing three small rooms used by kindergarten students and one large room where primary school students stay in case of air raids.

The volunteers dismantled the hazardous plasterwork, performed plastering, waterproofed the walls, primed and painted the walls and ceiling, repaired the flooring, and improved the lighting system. The place is now bright, spacious and safe! Even without drawings, thanks to the fact that B50 volunteers managed to solve the problems with the leaking wall, the shelter was allowed to operate.

Kolosochok kindergarten, Borodianka

Here, B50 volunteers carried out repairs in three areas: a large room, a hallway and an entrance group. They repaired defects in the walls and ceiling, plastered, primed and painted the walls and ceiling, insulated heating pipes, and improved the lighting system.

In the future, these two objects will be decorated with coloring! So, the most interesting, beautiful, and brightest is yet to come! Follow the news! And join the B50 community!

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