The next two participants of the National stage of P.AGE project

The libraries of the Ripky and Kozacha Lopan lyceums became the next participants in the national stage of P.AGE project. The aim of the project is to restore the potential of children living in the territories that have experienced occupation or suffered the consequences of hostilities. We donate sets of modern Ukrainian-language books to school and community libraries, covering topics such as art, history, profession, leadership, science, growing up, etc.

Currently, we purchase books on preferential terms from partner publishers (with discounts of 15-40% off market prices!). Funds for the libraries of the Ripky and Kozacha Lopan lyceums were donated by caring people from Ukraine and abroad. We urge you not to be indifferent and to join the fundraising for the purchase of literature for children.


Read more about the stories of the libraries participating in the third stage of P.AGE.

Library of the Ripky Lyceum (Chernihiv region)

Ripky, 25 kilometers from the border with Belarus, is home to real heroes – ordinary villagers who, without any weapons or military experience (!), managed to defend their home from the invaders. On the 8th day of the full-scale war, russian troops arrived here. The first small enemy convoy was stopped at the cost of one dead and one wounded, and the second was stopped by a peaceful rally and negotiations, during which the community leadership managed to negotiate with the invaders to leave Ripky. Then the locals learned to coexist with the russians, who set up a checkpoint outside the village and decided which vehicles to let through and which not, supported each other and did not lower the Ukrainian flags (yellow and blue flags were permanently hanging over all administrative buildings).

Currently, 504 children study at the Ripky Lyceum (many are brought here from 19 (!) neighboring villages) and, despite the war, life is in full swing: competitions, various themed days, gardening (the school garden initiative), and an inclusive resource center operate at the Lyceum. The school’s staff is actively involved in volunteering, making trench candles and tea blends for the Armed Forces.

Fortunately, the lyceum’s premises, including the library, were not damaged by the fighting. But the book collection needs to be updated. Currently, it has 7,210 titles of fiction, of which only 30% are in Ukrainian and only 10% are new (published after 2004).

At the same time, students show interest in reading. They are most fond of adventure, fantasy, comics, children’s detective stories, and horror stories. They are also interested in encyclopedias about animals, transportation, and space. Therefore, 50 modern Ukrainian-language books from B50 will significantly update and diversify the library collection of the Ripky Lyceum.

Library of the Kozacha Lopan Lyceum (Kharkiv region)

From February 24 to September 11, 2022, Kozacha Lopan, which is located just 2 km from the russian border, was under temporary occupation. The enemies set up two of their headquarters in the village and began to “restore order” – they installed loyal “authorities”, terrorized, searched and restricted people’s movement, set up two torture chambers where Ukrainians were tortured, raped and beaten (the invaders were especially cruel to ATO and JFO participants).

One of the russian headquarters was located in the building of a Lyceum in the center of the village. In front of the door, the occupiers made a barricade of overturned tables, with the letters Z and propaganda slogans painted on the lids with orange spray paint. The inside of the building is a mess: broken furniture, scattered notebooks, alcohol bottles, and various inscriptions (always with the letter Z) written on chalkboards. In almost every room there are half-dried traces of human excrement, and the smell is corresponding. In short, the school is empty after the invaders. 507 children are currently studying remotely (the educational process resumed in April 2022, during the occupation).

The Lyceum’s library also suffered losses: the blast wave damaged the windows, and the enemies burned all the textbooks they found (they did not touch the fiction). Before the full-scale war, the library collection included 14,058 books, brochures, and magazines, including 6,905 fiction books.

At the same time, students read with pleasure: teenagers are most interested in popular science literature and fiction works of programmed books. Kids prefer fairy tales and educational games. So we are sure that the books from B50 will definitely find their readers in Kozacha Lopan!