The transformation of the bomb shelter at Kolosochok kindergarten is done!

B50 volunteers have completed another task within the Shelters project – they have repaired and decorated the shelter of the Borodianka pre-school (nursery-kindergarten) of the combined type “Kolosochok”. From now on, more than 120 pupils (this is the number of children who attend this kindergarten) will be safe, warm and comfortable during air raids. We want as many little Ukrainians as possible to have access to comfortable, cozy shelters, so we ask you to support the Shelters project, including financially!


According to Zoia Malko, director of “Kolosochok”, this institution was the first in Borodianka to start operating after the occupation. It is currently attended by preschool children from all over the community, and the bomb shelter is also open to the public. Due to a lack of funds, the community does not finance repairs to the shelters, so the kindergarten staff turned to B50 volunteers.

At this facility, our activists were tasked with transforming three areas of the shelter: a large room where the children are actually staying (60 square meters), a corridor (25 square meters) and an entrance group (30 square meters). All the rooms were renovated: plastering the walls, painting the walls and ceiling; refinement of the lighting system (in the large room), insulation of heating pipes (in the large room and corridor).

After the renovation, B50 volunteers painted unique drawings on the walls with a “mountain theme.” Polina Koruts, the administrator of the Shelters project, talks about the “mountain” creative concept:

The shelter is small, both in terms of area and ceiling height. So we wanted to make it at least a little more spacious. We decided to depict mountains on the walls, to paint them in calm, pastel colors. Mountains always inspire, give a sense of freedom. You can always breathe fully there!

To finance this project, the B50 community managed to attract partners. Julia Dalmonte and Oleksii Yakushevskyi, leaders of the TakeOff headquarters team (which had previously been involved in the decoration of the New Hreblia Gymnasium shelter), organized an internal fundraising campaign and raised €1,000 to transform the shelter. The campaign lasted about two weeks and involved 16 donors who made donations ranging from 20 to 200 euros.

We are grateful to our tireless volunteers and caring partners for their participation in the project! See how the shelter has changed thanks to them in the photo below (drag the arrow slider to view).