The shelter at school No. 147 in Kyiv is almost ready

B50 volunteers finish decorating the bomb shelter at school No.147 in Kyiv, and also talk about the work on this project, about new challenges and their impressions.

Yuliia Horbasenko, “B50 Shelters” coordinator:

“At 147 school, our task was to paint the walls. The school allowed us to choose the theme and colors ourselves. During work, we encountered the blackouts. 3 days out of 4 we worked almost in the dark. It did not allow to see the general view of the storage, to mix paints, it was more difficult to make straight lines. In my opinion, the presence of pictures distracts from nervousness. You can examine, count figures, colors, look for familiar cities on the map. So the time in the shelter passes faster. Well, it’s more comfortable, of course.”

Polina Koruts, B50 volunteer artist:

“This location is very different from the previous one. This is a large school in which full 11 classes are taught, from children to adults. I wanted to somehow unite them, find an idea that would be interesting for everyone. This is how the “With Ukraine in the Heart” map appeared 💙💛.

We also decided to add brightness to the shelter, so that the atmosphere there would become a little more lively and distract from the circumstances that made the children spend their time there. We combined the symbolic colors into a kind of Ukrainian rainbow that runs through the entire room and looks nice. And to make it more interesting for children, various details related to school were added.”