B50 published project report for 2022

Exactly 12 months have passed since the incredibly powerful impulse of hundreds of volunteer hearts proved that it needs to be preserved and strengthened. This is what the B50 community was created for.

Last year was a start for our organization. And therefore – difficult, restless, but very busy and interesting. Our volunteers devoted it to the restoration of the Kyiv region, strengthening the defense capability of the capital and helping the military.

All the results of 2022 were covered by the B50 community in the annual project report. This is the first time we publish such a document and plan to do so in the future. After all, transparency and openness are the core values of our team, as well as standard European practice.

The document contains the main information about the B50:

  • history of creation;
  • achievements (for each direction and certain projects) – in facts, figures and photographs;
  • information about our incredible team (about the most active, creative, dedicated, best B50 volunteers);
  • financial performance indicators (we honestly talk about the income and expenses of the fund);
  • development strategy and key projects for 2023.

Read the B50 2022 report or download it from the Project Reports page.

Meet our team, get inspired by our plans for the future and join us! Let’s do good together!