Two new facilities for the Shelters Project!

B50 volunteers are working on two new bomb shelters at once. We will tell you about them below.

The first location is the Hornostaipil Lyceum (Ivankiv direction).

Hornostaipil is a small village in the Ivankiv community that was blockaded by russians moving towards Kyiv at the beginning of the full-scale invasion. This blockade lasted for almost 40 days, and there were no humanitarian corridors from here. The Armed Forces of Ukraine liberated the village from the russian occupiers in the first days of April 2022.

Currently, B50 volunteers are involved in the restoration of the village, in particular, transforming the shelter of the Hornostaipil Lyceum. The institution is located not far from the Chornobyl nuclear power plant (30 km) and is quite remote from large settlements. Therefore, this lyceum is a center of social life for 6 surrounding villages. A total of 212 pupils and 30 preschool children study here.

The lyceum administration asked B50 community to transform the shelter into a bright and cozy space for children.

The task of the B50 volunteers is to transform 2 large rooms (the first one is for middle and high school students, the second one is for elementary school students and kindergarten children nearby).

The work will be carried out at the expense of the B50 community.

Here is a photo of the shelter to be transformed.

The second location is the Nova Hreblya Gymnasium (Borodianskyi direction).

Nova Hreblya is a village located 11 km from Borodianka, which in the spring of 2022 fully experienced the “beauty” of the rashist occupation.

During the occupation, russians set up their base in the Gymnasium, where, according to teachers, they behaved “culturally” – they just shot through all the windows in the school, ruined a lot of furniture, but did not leave any “piles” anywhere.

Children from 2 to 15 years old are educated in the institution. All of them know firsthand what shelling and explosions are like… Since the first days of the invasion, these children have been sitting in cellars, on potatoes, old blankets, without electricity and communication to survive… They still realize the seriousness of the danger during air raids, so they quickly and efficiently run for cover. Lessons, extracurricular activities, quests, entertainment and serious lectures often take place there. The staff of the Gymnasium would like the shelter to be a full-fledged part of the educational space, to become a bright place of comfort, productive cooperation, and peace, and not the cellar where children were kept during the occupation.

So the administration of the institution addressed the B50 community with a request, and we gladly responded.

Currently, the B50 volunteers are faced with the task of repairing 3 small rooms used by kindergarten students and 1 large room where primary school students sit out the alert. Here, it is necessary to improve the lighting system, plaster the walls, and replace the rotten floor in the large room.

After that, all 4 rooms need to be painted and decorated with drawings.

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The transformation will be carried out at the expense and efforts of B50 volunteers with the involvement of partner funding from the Ukrainian office of TakeOff.

Here is a photo of the bomb shelter, which you will not recognize very soon😊.