The bomb shelter at the Hornostaipil Lyceum is ready!

Another cool result of the Shelters project was realized thanks to the talented B50 volunteers who recently finished decorating the shelters at the Hornostaipil Lyceum. Below, we will share the details of the transformation, but for now, we invite you to join us in improving the next facilities with a donation (funds are needed to purchase building materials and paints).

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The bomb shelter did not need any repairs, only some interesting drawings and bright colors. The concept of the decoration was based on color abstraction. Polina Koruts, the administrator of the Shelters project and an artist, tells us about the origin of this idea:

“When you enter the room, you immediately feel the ‘office vibe’. It’s clear, serious, without unnecessary colors, almost monochrome, minimalist. Even a little harsh.

I wanted to breathe childhood into it: to add colors, make it more fun, but maintain the overall laconicism. That’s why we came up with the idea to paint bright abstractions on the walls.”

Now the walls of the shelter are decorated with animals and birds: a deer, an eagle, an owl, a hare, a giraffe, a cat, a penguin, a tiger, a wolf, and colorful triangles. The volunteers were able to add bright colors to the minimalist, serious room, making it “less office-like” and “more childlike.”

Here are some statistics on the transformation of the shelter in Hornostaipil:

  • 16 volunteers helped in total;
  • 3 Saturdays to complete the transformation;
  • 23 hours were spent painting the shelter in total;
  • 9 animals and birds and more than 150 colorful triangles were painted;
  • only UAH 1,731.70 was spent on the purchase of paints and supplies (gloves, napkins, etc.) (since we also used stocks from previous B50 projects);
  • UAH 826 was spent to cover the cost of fuel for the volunteers’ transportation (because most of our volunteer drivers reimbursed the cost of refueling their cars on their own initiative).

To see the transformation of the bomb shelter, drag the arrow slider.