The last two participants of the second stage of the P.AGE Project

Here are two more participants of the regional stage of the P.AGE who will receive sets of 50 modern Ukrainian-language publications on history, science, professions, growing up, money, patriotism, etc.

The library of the School No.10 of the Myrnohrad, Donetsk region

Despite its beautiful name, Myrnohrad (“city of peace”) is not a peaceful city, as it is located near the frontline and, during the full-scale invasion, was repeatedly attacked by enemy forces and hosted many IDPs and military personnel.

By February 24, 2023, School No. 10 had been attended by 735 children! Currently, 634 students are studying remotely.

The school’s library collection includes 24,317 books. The number of books is impressive, but the quality, unfortunately, is not: about 40% are in russian. In addition, there is an acute shortage of modern fiction for children of all ages and specialized literature in Ukrainian.

Therefore, a set of 50 modern, high-quality Ukrainian-language books will not only be a boost to the development of local youth but also a step towards Ukrainization, as young residents of Myrnohrad are the future of the Ukrainian east and Ukraine as a whole.

Library of Krasnokutsk Lyceum #2

The Krasnokutsk community of Kharkiv region is one of those where the situation is relatively calm (very relatively calm, because there are no safe places in Ukraine at the moment). There was no occupation and no fighting here, so a lot of IDPs came here (last spring, they were evacuated from Kharkiv by school buses, often under fire). In September 2022, 18,000 IDPs lived in the Krasnokutsk community (for comparison, the local population was 26,700). Helping IDPs and supporting the Armed Forces of Ukraine are currently the main tasks of the residents of the Krasnokutsk community.

The lyceum’s library has 6,500 copies of the local collection, most of which are in russian. The collection is outdated and worn out.

At the same time, local children (mostly primary and secondary school students) love to read. They are especially interested in comics, adventures, and fairy tales. There is a lack of modern fiction for children and works from the school curriculum.

Therefore, 50 books from B50 will qualitatively complement the local library, help local children better understand the world and themselves, and make their lives more interesting.

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