Bomb shelter of Nova Hreblia Gymnasium: repairs are over, decoration has begun!

The shelter at the Nova Hrebylia Gymnasium ( Borodianka district) is being transformed. We’re going to tell you what the volunteers of the Reconstruction and Shelters projects have done, and urge everyone to support B50’s activities with donations.


So far, we have completed everything planned in the three small rooms for kindergarten visitors (puttying, priming, painting walls, ceiling, and doors) and moved on to the large room for primary school children. There, we have already dismantled old structures on the walls, covered the cracked plaster, and started leveling the walls, priming, and painting the ceiling.

Meanwhile, coloring has begun in the small rooms for the kindergarteners. Polina Koruts, the administrator of the Shelter project, talks about the creative concept of decorating this part of the shelter:

The design idea came from the room itself. When we first arrived at the shelter, it turned out that one of the rooms had long been used as a classroom for learning traffic rules. Since then, special display cases with road signs have been hanging on the walls. We wanted to integrate this and decorate the shelter in the style of the city, road, transport, and travel. After all, staying in a shelter is associated with less mobility, and we wanted to add movement and dynamics to this place. To remind the children that there is an interesting life outside the walls of the bomb shelter, and staying here is just a stage. The key difficulty of this facility is that some of the rooms are used by kindergarteners and some by schoolchildren, and they have different visual preferences. Now we have started painting the area for the youngest ones. All the drawings here are united by the concept of “Traveling Animals”. In each of the three rooms, cartoon animals will be riding on different vehicles.

Here are the first drawings of the Nova Hreblia Gymnasium shelter. We would also like to thank our sponsors, who purchased the building materials and paint for this project, the Ukrainian office of TakeOff.