TOGETHER / РАЗОМ project from B50 in cooperation with BHSU
The B50 community is not only working to eliminate the consequences of the enemy invasion, but also cares about the future generation of Ukrainians. As part of the Reconstruction and Shelters projects, we repair and decorate bomb shelters in educational institutions, providing children with a comfortable space during air raids. In this way, we take care of the psyche of young Ukrainians and minimize the impact of the horrors of war on them. Through the P.AGE project, we contribute to the future of these children, promote their development, help them grow into conscious, effective, tolerant people, form a broad outlook, and find their talents. To do this, we provide children’s libraries with modern Ukrainian-language educational books on interesting topics.
Helping children and educational institutions is an integral part of our work, as arranging shelters or restoring damaged or burned children’s library collections are responses to the challenges posed by the russian invasion.

replenishment of the children’s library of Kiliia school №3

B50, in partnership with the non-profit organization British Homes and Schools for Ukraine (BHSU), is launching a new project to help schools in Ukraine and strengthen their capacity – TOGETHER/ РАЗОМ: Building Powerful School Partnerships. This project will enable Ukrainian educational institutions to receive the support they need from British schools. The BHSU organization focuses on supporting displaced Ukrainians temporarily residing in the UK under the Homes for Ukraine program by providing education, employment, and training opportunities.
BHSU was established in London after co-founders Valeria and Tatiana Samborska were forced to flee their home in Kyiv when bombs began falling on the city in February 2022.

The goal of the TOGETHER/ РАЗОМ: Building Powerful School Partnerships between UK and Ukrainian Schools is to build partnerships between schools in Ukraine and the UK that can provide long-term support to children affected by war. Schools have been a significant source of stability and care for children in difficult times, but now the schools themselves need the same support and compassion. This is where British educators can partner with a Ukrainian school to offer comprehensive educational assistance. This assistance could include sharing resources, knowledge exchange between staff, mentoring, or targeted fundraising.
As part of the pilot phase of the project, we aim to match five UK schools with five Ukrainian schools to provide support and build partnerships and intercultural and professional exchange. For the Ukrainian schools, TOGETHER will provide the necessary resources to help them cope with the day-to-day challenges of war and resume teaching their students. For British schools who want to get involved in supporting the Ukrainian people, this program is a way to build connections, offer support in a way that will make a real difference and, crucially, build long-term sustainability and capacity. For British students, the program will bring the crisis in Ukraine up close and personal, help develop empathy and shape the worldview they will take with them into the future as global citizens.
We invite schools for children in the frontline or de-occupied areas, or those that receive IDP children, who are interested in participating in a pilot program of cooperation between British and Ukrainian schools. These categories of schools are prioritized, but other schools are welcome to apply and participate regardless of their location.
How to apply for participation in the program?
Tell us about your school, students and community, and leave your contacts in the application form. After processing all requests, we will inform you if you are selected.
Applications for participation in the first stage of selection are accepted until May 31, 2024. We are waiting for your applications!