Clean Up! Project
Helping Ukrainians to eliminate the consequences of the war in the de-occupied territories.
About the project | History | Activities | How to join? | “Before – After” | News
About the project
The project’s mission is to help people whose homes were destroyed as a result of the russian invasion.
Our volunteers take on a variety of buildings, from private homes to infrastructure facilities.

As a community of volunteers, B50 began with helping to clean the streets of the newly liberated city of Irpin. Later, this work was transformed into assistance in dismantling buildings destroyed by the war.
This type of assistance, which is currently only one of B50’s projects, is still relevant today.

B50 volunteers come to the assistance to clear the sites of the remains of destroyed buildings and make way for the construction of new homes.

How to join?
The Clean Up! Project organizes volunteer trips every week on Saturdays and Sundays.
We always need volunteers who are ready to dismantle rubble and can lift bricks, as well as volunteers with construction and repair experience (professional or gained through volunteering).
Volunteers are registered weekly on the Приєднатися page. If you are not a citizen of Ukraine, please fill out the application form on the Join page first. Also, follow the news and announcements on our Telegram channel.

“Before – After”
Drag the arrow slider to see the transformation.