The bomb shelter of the “Kozachok” kindergarten welcomed the first visitors
On October 24, 2022, the pupils of the largest kindergarten in Bucha “Kozachok” returned to their native walls! This was possible thanks to B50 activists who made minor repairs to the bomb shelter. The space was not intended as a shelter. Its gloomy gray walls, concrete floors, outdated lighting and ventilation system were not suitable for children. So, B50 volunteers took on this task.
It took B50 activists a little more than a month to clean the bomb shelter, prepare the walls for painting and decorate them with bright pictures.
The first visitors – “Kozachok” employees, several pupils of the kindergarten and their parents, journalists – visited the kindergarten bomb shelter on the eve of the official reopening of the educational institution and were amazed. The kids liked the fun drawings and toys, and their mothers liked the cozy, bright room where the children would be safe during the air raid.
It was the first such project of our community. For its implementation, we collected UAH 27,767.62. out of UAH 40,000 planned at the stage of project cost calculation. During the implementation process, thanks to caring people and socially responsible companies, such as Farba Trade Professional, who contributed with the materials and equipment, it turned out that the funds raised were enough to achieve the desired results.
We also want to thank the Ukrainian toy production Vladi Toys, who donated board games to kindergarten students.
We are proud of the successful completion of the project and are looking for new similar tasks, because children are our future and they have to learn no matter what!