February 2023: the busiest winter month ever!
In February 2023, the B50 volunteers got, if not everything, then almost everything done)) Let’s talk in order.
Traditionally, we went to clear the rubble in Moshchun, because 2/3 of all buildings in the village were destroyed, there is always a lot of work there.

We completed our mission at the Best Friends shelter: we dismantled the old cages, cleared a place for new ones, and brought gifts for the animals.

We started building our own warehouse! And we managed to do a lot for one month: the key elements on which the strength and stability of the building depend are ready, these are the foundation and the frame. Currently we started building the roof.

Despite the blackouts, B50 volunteers finished decorating the shelter at school No. 147 in Kyiv.

They also began to equip a bomb shelter in Vorzel school No. 10. A partner was involved in this project – the Adler Ukraine company, which installed ventilation, plugged holes with cement, and painted the walls. Volunteers B50 decorate the walls of the shelter with very cute and delicate drawings.

In February, the B50 community organized watching of the documentary “War Chat. Moshchun”, which tells about the events that unfolded in Moshchun in the spring of 2022. The event was attended by residents of the village, who saw and experienced all the horrors with their own eyes, people who survived the occupation in the Kherson region, B50 volunteers who are now helping to eliminate consequences of the rashist invasion in the Kyiv region. After watching the film, the guests talked, told their stories, and discussed.

We launched the English version of the website to tell a foreign audience about our community and activities.
We also set up our Linkedin page to keep you updated with the active life of the B50 community!

In February, the B50 got PayPal, and all caring people abroad have the opportunity to support the B50 with donations for the restoration of the country, in particular, the de-occupied Kyiv region. Our PayPal account is b50.organisation@gmail.com
Also, you can now use Bitcoin or Etherium to support B50! Unique wallet IDs for donations:
Bitcoin – 18MuHkicGfdpUTe5jVn8uEdKvvzmG5218r
Etherium – 0x246f5cc13e26e6960d99cd6769ec438cb8ad9
It’s been a busy month, but there’s more work ahead. So full of strength and inspiration, united by a common goal, B50 volunteers break into the new spring season!