The transformation of the Bohdanivka Lyceum bomb shelter is complete!

B50 activists have finished decorating the bomb shelter of the educational center in Bohdanivka village, Kyiv region.

Now it’s nice, bright, and comfortable 😊. We’ve been able to get this done quickly thanks to our tireless volunteers (pictured below) and your financial support, so we’d like to urge everyone to keep donating to B50.


The design of the shelter has been created with the different age groups of children in mind, as both junior and senior school children will be able to take shelter here.

The creative concept is based on the theme of Ukrainian flowers, and the shelter is decorated in the style of fantasy geometry and floral graphics. Viburnum, periwinkle, spikelets, sunflowers, cockerels, cornflowers, narcissus, poppies, cotton, cherry blossoms, mallows, etc. are currently harmoniously intertwined on the walls of the shelter. Take a look at how beautiful it is.