February 2024: not many days, but many achievements!
The last winter month for the B50 community turned out to be productive, interesting, and very media-rich. We’ll tell you about the work of B50 volunteers in February below. We would also like to thank everyone who supports our activities.
Activists from the Clean Up! project eliminated the consequences of the destruction at several large locations in Moshchun (Lesia Ukrainka Lane, Vyshnevyi Lane, 1st Sadova Street).

Volunteers from the Reconstruction project worked every weekend in the bomb shelter of the Zavorychi Gymnasium. Here, they have fully prepared three rooms for decoration, where artists from Shelters project are already creating, and have begun repairs in the fourth room and technical rooms.

Activists from Shelters project continued to paint shelters in Zavorychi. Large murals with desert and ocean landscapes appeared in the rooms for junior school students, and jungle drawings in one of the rooms for preschoolers.

In February, on the occasion of the second anniversary of russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, Chronicles of the Unknown Superheroes Ukrainians began to be exhibited in two European cities at once!
On February 23, the exhibition was opened in Hamburg at the St. Nicholas Memorial. The event was attended by guests and representatives of the organizers, including Vice Mayor of Hamburg Katharina Fegebank and Consul General of Ukraine in Hamburg Dr. Iryna Tybinka. The opening of the exhibition was also attended by B50 volunteers Yuliia Gorbasenko and Svitlana Rudokvas, who spoke about the community’s activities and shared their personal experience of volunteering during the war. The B50 photo exhibition will run in Hamburg until the end of June.

St. Nicholas Memorial

Photo: HHLA
Budapest was the second city to mark the anniversary of the russian invasion of Ukraine. The Chronicles of the Unknown Superheroes Ukrainians is located in Pest on the renovated Bakáts Square near the Church of St. Francis of Assisi.
You can see the photos of B50 volunteers in Budapest until March 21.

On February 7, Ruslan Habdulov, director of the B50 NGO, took part in the Kyiv FM radio station’s Third Sector program on the impact of civil society on Ukraine’s development.
During the broadcast, they talked about B50, the history of the community, its development and current projects, the restoration of peaceful life after the invasion, uniting residents of Kyiv and the surrounding area to help war victims, and promoting recovery volunteering.

Also in February:
- The B50 community has published its annual report for 2023;
- Yaroslav Hadzinskyi, an active B50 volunteer, spoke on the radio program PoetryKYIVMISTAH about his collection “Perekopane”, which was inspired, in particular, by his volunteering with B50 in Moshchun;
- Ruslan Habdulov attended the Workshop of the Future “Capable Civil Society as a Foundation for the Development of the Capital” organized by the Kyiv City State Administration;
- the B50 community organized corporate volunteering in Zavorychi (as part of the Reconstruction project);
- hosted journalists from a Japanese publication in Zavorychi to interview about the repair and painting of the shelter.
The winter volunteering season is now closed, and we are starting the spring one, so join us!