We continue to introduce you to the designers who help us turn gloomy kindergarten basements into real child-friendly spaces where kids won’t be afraid of air raids. After the Reconstruction team finishes its tasks at the locations, carrying out the necessary renovations and turning the grey walls of the bomb shelter into a clean and bright room, the Shelters project team takes up its work and fills the walls with pleasant and cosy drawings.

Now we are working simultaneously in two shelters: the Yalynka kindergarten in Mykulychi and the Strumochok in Druzhnia. The first mural was created by one of our volunteers, Vika, but there are 5 more that need to be decorated!

Kindergarten “Yalynka” (Mykulychi village)
Kindergarten “Strumochok” (Druzhnшa village)

That’s why we partnered with Ampli, a teenage educational accelerator that offered internships at B50 to its graduates, future design professionals. Earlier, we have already successfully completed work with Ampli graduate Uliana Slutska, who created designs for 4 murals of the Zavorychi Gymnasium bomb shelter. We are very pleased to work with young talented designers and give them the opportunity to try their hand at interesting tasks. And most importantly, to be able to create unique and unrepeatable drawings for children!

The first of Ampli’s creative talents is Alina!

Alina O.’s task was to create murals for two of our locations at once, one for the future bedroom in Mykulychi, and the other in the large hall in Druzhnia.

The theme of the future bedroom in Mykulychi was “Dreamland”, and Alina did a great job of turning ideas and references into ready-made sketches, taking into account both the location of the beds and the features of the walls, as the drawings will be all around the room.

Bedroom before renovation by B50 volunteers
The bedroom after renovation by B50 volunteers
Part of the future bedroom mural in Mykulychi

Work on this mural will begin very soon, as the Reconstruction project team has already prepared the walls!

The rhythmic passage of time became the leitmotif for the mural design, which will be placed in one of the large halls in Druzhnia. The mural “Rhythm”, covering an area of about 20 square metres, will decorate a long wall and introduce preschoolers to the changes of the seasons and their specific features.

The hall before the renovation by B50 volunteers
The wall where the mural will be placed, before the repair by B50 volunteers
Part of the future mural in the Rhythm Hall

This room is already being prepared for the start of the renovation next week, which means that soon summer and winter, spring and autumn will come to life on the walls.

For both murals, Alina chose a delicate design with simple and clear images. She notes that she chose a cartoonish and simplified style because that’s what children like and so that those who will be transferring them to the walls can quickly and easily cope with their work.

This experience will help me a lot for my professional growth, this is my first real order and I am like a bird that flies out of the nest for the first time and can start my professional career.

I am very happy that my drawings will be able to calm and delight children and will also remain on those walls for years.

Alina O.

Follow the news on our website and social media to see how Alina’s drawings will come to life on the walls.

We are very grateful to our designers and volunteers who help to preserve childhood for little Ukrainians, giving them the opportunity to grow and learn in a safe and cosy environment.