The first month of summer for the B50 community was predictably very eventful: volunteer trips, old and new projects, collaborations with other organizations, a photo exhibition, and more. We’ll tell you about them all in order, and ask you to support B50’s activities with donations.


In June, volunteers from the B50 Restoration programm visited Moschun, Horenka, Hostomel, and Fasova, where they traditionally removed the damages caused by the war.

Together with the Gurtum Charitable Foundation, B50 helped to rebuild a primary school, furnish a shelter in Hostomel, and repair a library in Horenka. 

The B50 volunteers also took part in the clean-up of Outpatient Clinic No. 7 in the Desnianskyi district of Kyiv. Together with active citizens, we helped to eliminate the consequences of a rocket shot down at night on June 1.

As part of B50 Growing, we launched the P.AGE Project, which aims to boost the educational skills of children from the de-occupied territories of Ukraine. We provide school libraries and communities with modern Ukrainian-language books that stimulate personal growth and make studying more interesting. 

The books we donate cover the following topics: history, science, art, patriotism, development, growing up, professions, leadership, and finances.

The project is being implemented in 3 stages:

  • The pilot stage, in which the library of the Bohdanivka Educational Center received 50 modern Ukrainian-language books for children of all ages;
  • The regional stage, during which 250 books will be delivered to 5 libraries in the Chernihiv, Sumy, Kharkiv, Mykolaiv and Donetsk regions. Fundraising is underway; the planned amount is UAH 70,000, and funds have already been raised to provide books for 2 of the 5 libraries;
  • National stage. Libraries in the east and south of the country can apply to receive sets of Ukrainian-language educational books (library application form available here).

In June, B50 Care volunteers visited the “Best Friends” and “Dvorniashkam dom” shelters to help dismantle old cages and deliver pet food, hygiene products, and other necessities for the animals.

У рамках проєкту «Сховки» вибрали 2 укриття, які плануємо трансформувати в липні:

  • Hornostaipil Lyceum (Ivankiv region), which suffered through russian occupation at the beginning of the full-scale invasion. Here, B50 volunteers are transforming 2 rooms (one for secondary and high school pupils, the other for elementary school children, and a kindergarten nearby). The shelter has already undergone basic repairs, so our task here is to decorate rooms with bright paintings.
  • Nova Hreblia gymnasium (Borodianka region), where russian invaders lived for several weeks during the occupation. Currently, B50 volunteers are tasked with repairing three small rooms used by kindergarten and one large classroom where elementary school pupils are safe during air raids. Here, it is necessary to improve the wiring, plaster the walls, and replace the rotten floor in the larger classroom. After that, all four rooms need to be colored and decorated with paintings. 

Back in June, Kyiv city residents and visitors had the chance to visit the photo exhibition about the B50 volunteers “Stronger than bricks”. The main part of the photos was exhibited at the central venue on the glass bridge, and some of them moved within VCENTRI HUB: from Obolonskyi to Shevchenkivskyi and then to Holosiivskyi districts.

B50’s bank details to support the community with donations have also changed:

Donate via Buy Me a Coffee

This month, the media wrote about B50’s activities (Hromadske, Unian, TyKyiv, etc.).

June 2023 was predictably interesting and productive for B50 volunteers. More to come. Don’t stop!