

Anastasiia Baranova

If someone were to remake “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs,” Nastia would be the main character. Volunteer coordinator and accounting assistant Anastasiia Baranova really looks like a princess from a cartoon—luxurious golden hair, slender figure. But in reality, she…

Vitalii Krokhmaliuk

This man can easily knock you down with a powerful throw or a good joke.

Vitaliі Krokhmalіuk, an active volunteer with B50, trains children and adults in a fight club in his spare time and teaches them martial arts. He is also a very kind person and a lawyer who works with non-profit organizations.

Oleksandr Kramarenko 

The man who started the B50 Volunteer community. A man who always has a plan for everything. Today, in the #B50 heroes section, we tell you about Oleksandr Kramarenko, the leader of the training department and organizer of the first rubble removal in the de-occupied cities of Kyiv region.

Sasha believes that every second that Ukrainians do useful things brings victory closer by 2 seconds!